Jorge Macri will announce the construction of the new subway line F

Well, that's bold.
There will be massive graft and huge kickbacks, of course.
The lion's share of the contract money will go to the construction firms of Nicky Caputo and his family, of course.

Still, if the work gets done, and the result is safe and according to code, all good, business as usual in Argentina.
Still, if the work gets done, and the result is safe and according to code, all good, business as usual in Argentina.
This is my opinion too, I don't care, I just want public infrastructure; grease the wheels that need greasing and send millions to accounts in Panama, as long as it means more/better transit the cost is worth it, especially considering how fast Buenos Aires is at building public transit compared to some of the other cities I've lived in such as Toronto and LA.

FWIW I still dream of the Ley 670 subte map 🥲, but beggers can't be choosers...

This is my opinion too, I don't care, I just want public infrastructure; grease the wheels that need greasing and send millions to accounts in Panama, as long as it means more/better transit the cost is worth it, especially considering how fast Buenos Aires is at building public transit compared to some of the other cities I've lived in such as Toronto and LA.

FWIW I still dream of the Ley 670 subte map 🥲, but beggers can't be choosers...

It's interesting they prioritized making the network denser downtown but don't extend the lines further out, there's large swaths of the city without any Subte service at all
It's interesting they prioritized making the network denser downtown but don't extend the lines further out, there's large swaths of the city without any Subte service at all
Well, that has to do with distance. If you look at the story linked above, the planned work is only 6km long. Connecting the unconnected parts of the city would mean much longer distances, and tunneling underground is expensive, as well as slow. I think the most realistic prospect for better connecting the outer neighborhoods is a further buildout of the existing train lines, which already connect to the subte. Surface rail is faster to build and less expensive.

Personally, I like riding the train much more than I like the subte.