Just arrived with me two small dogs!

I live in Palermo but another part. We are leaving to Patagonia next week for Xmas/January to go camping and fly fishing for 6 weeks. Maybe when we get back. =D
lela said:
tnx, just did! its a yahoo, so no biggy, but still, u r right! i am exhausted from doing nothing, guess call a rain check, altho really got the itch to meet new peeps, kinda long drive to san telmo tho'...
lazy ??? dunno, still settling in,i guess! :rolleyes:
let me know when u feel like having a meet, L

Well, I hope I got the correct email address. I sent you a message yesterday did you get it? If not check your junk mail folder. Somehow my mail sometimes ends up in junk mail. :(

I'm going to "work" (costa rica & gascon) later today if you want to have a coffee around 5ish. let me know.