Just Graduated and decided to return!


Oct 9, 2009
Hi Everyone!
Im Krissy. I just graduated last june from UCSB in California. I studied abroad here in a language school, absolutely loved the city and decided to return. I came down with two job opportunities and both did not work out. ALthough I have saved up some money, I am still looking for a part time job or something to justify my time here (internship/ experience/ post grad- continuing education classes).
I have myTEFL certificate, ample experience in marketing, business assistant ( I know microsoft office like the back of my hand), and can guide anyone in a challenging exercise workout ( mix of strength and cardio moves)

If anyone has any tips on adjusting to the city, looking for jobs, or needs help with spanish, Im always down to meet up for maté!

Hi Krissy, you can always apply to part time jobs, like a call center, teleperformance is one of the best, Teletech is also a good one. The other option is Craiglist, that might help you too. If you want send me a PM and I'll send you the links of all the websites like monster.com but here in Argentina.
Hi Krissy...can't help you with the job thing but if you want to meet up sometime for food and fun I would love to. I don't really know anyone here yet so any new friends are welcome. you can email me at chrisawoo@yahoo.com or my cell is 1565916408. Ciao, Chris
I'm in the same boat as Krissy... looking for a job, and a UCSB graduate. Also looking for housing and still living in a hostel.

BA_local, can u send me a list of the AR job websites too? Thanks!

Krissy & Alexa --

I did the same thing! I graduated in June 08 and moved down to BA. I studied abroad here too during undergrad and loved it. I have been living here for about a year and a half now and I don´t have any plans of leaving soon. I am doing a graduate program and working. If you want to meet up send me a PM and you can come out with my friends!

hi! im a porteño, just for u to know :p

A nice job that a couple of americans friends had was at english institutes, the ones that work with companies. For example, where i work, the advanced levels have native teachers.
I guess they are always looking for teachers since most of them are not here to stay, they rather spend a couple of months. so u should try that.
if u are interested i can make up a list of institutes!

let me know.
Hi everyone!

This is getting almost ridiculous, I'm ALSO a UCSB graduate living here in BsAs, I just moved here 2 weeks ago and am looking for a job, etc....the usual.

Seba, could you send me a list of institutes where I can look for work teaching english, I think that would be helpful.

Anyone else have any suggestions? I'm a yoga teacher also if anyone knows of possible job opportunities in that realm. Thanks!
