Just Hours Away From SALVATION and SANITY !!!

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Dudester said:
I just saw on MSNBC (Morning Joe) that while the entire country (AND WORLD) had Obama on Page One/Top Half of their Newspapers the comical Atlanta Journal has GWB on Page One/Top Half.... some just can't let it go, how childish and pathetic.... it's over, 8 years of reckless incompetent stupidity is over FOREVER - sorry to the kids that will miss it all....... Repairs begin today, completion date? 2012/13 - Frat Boy partied HARD and had big/deep pockets !!!!

You have an antipathy for GWB, which I don't believe is warranted by his actual record. If you have the odd five minutes, take a look at the following appraisal:

steveinbsas said:
OK, how many were there?

(I hope you are better at math than English.)

43, but I'm betting you dont know this, unfortunately his aides forgot to tell him about this.
but as usual most Canuks know more bout the USA than most Yanks
- Dudester,

You have opened A NEW PORTAL HERE, Thank you,

I don't agree with you that GWB did all that alone. You need some history lessons. I have no time to teach you.
Having said that I wonder who was responsible for the Southern Cone carnage here in SA? Bush was not around then. Millions of people have been affected by many Presidents, many have been tortured and many more murdered. However I cannot blame the Presidents for that, can we?

Once more I shall repeat, the President of the USA is just one man who relies on many to fulfill his mandate during his term. If GWB is guilty of anything it is ignorance to the facts at hand.

Perhaps Mr. Obama will be wiser and not so gullible. I have a lot of faith in him but my inner senses tell me Corporate America is already lining up for the ride on the American Express train of Profit.

Let's wait and see shall we.
In the meantime catch up on your countries political background and its commitment to profiting at the expense of other countries.
bigbadwolf said:
You have an antipathy for GWB, which I don't believe is warranted by his actual record. If you have the odd five minutes, take a look at the following appraisal:


Good read that.
Nobody suspected Tony Blair would lead us into quite so many stupid wars and suspend habeas corpus in the name of "security".

But at the same time, pessimism never gets anyone anywhere.
Be the change you want to see in the world and all that.
Chin up, best foot forward :)
jedard said:
Perhaps Mr. Obama will be wiser and not so gullible. I have a lot of faith in him but my inner senses tell me Corporate America is already lining up for the ride on the American Express train of Profit.

You don't need any intuition to see this. Look at where his campaign contributions came from. And should this not suffice, look at his cabinet appointments. It's business as usual -- but with a grave demeanor and more well-crafted rhetoric. I don't know why so many Americans need to see things in terms of polar opposites: Bush everything bad; Obama everything good.
I don't know why so many Americans need to see things in terms of polar opposites: Bush everything bad; Obama everything good.

I think it all stems from our human desire for narrative - this has spawned all manner of things great and not so great - folk tales, myth, religion, literature. The details are irrelevant, what's important is who's Skeletor, who's He-man, who's Harry Potter, who's Lord Voldemort, who's Sauron etc etc... People desire to fit events into some sort of narrative template to make sense of the world. Just review some of the terms in this thread alone: Negative forces, miracle, salvation, healing...

What we have here is that most beloved American narrative, spawned I think during the 80's 'war on drugs' - redemption (as seen on Oprah). Nothing sells like redemption in the US - check the biography or self help section of any bookstore there - and here we have the redemption of an entire nation, penniless, face down in the gutter with a meth pipe and Obama is the Betty Ford Clinic, the Prozac it so needs. Irresistible

Unfortunately these are important matters that deserve critical thought, time and investigation. Vestigial desires for narrative should be channeled into safer diversions like staring at the clouds and daydreaming, reading a good book, or playing with Star Wars figurines.
An analysis of the great man's speech by Spengler at asiatimes:

United States President Barack Obama "signaled a commitment to pragmatism not just as a governing strategy but as a basic value", according to unintentionally hilarious inauguration dispatch by the New York Times' Washington bureau chief David Sanger. Pragmatism, of course, is not a value, but rather the triumph of expediency over values. To call pragmatism a "basic value" is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, like "studied ignorance", or "impassioned apathy". Obama had plenty of that today, too.

The piece is trenchant yet hilarious at the same time.
jedard said:
43, but I'm betting you dont know this, unfortunately his aides forgot to tell him about this.
but as usual most Canuks know more bout the USA than most Yanks

Apparently you didn't read my post which explains why the head count of U.S. presidents is 44.

I understand that you want to be right about something, but once again you missed the mark.

I do understand, however, that some Canadians don't always know as much as they think they do about the United States.

PS: Your grammar and punctuation don't make you look very well educated.

Do you have as much contempt for the English language as you have for the U.S. presidents?

Or is it only "most Yanks?"
44, 43, who cares.... let's talk about important things.....

PRES. OBAMA's First day - (New Laws) -

Strict and substancial new restrictions on Lobbyists and their present and futher practices (strongest ever submited by a US President)

Froze over 100 high paid salaries of White House staff ($100,000 +) to show solidarity with the loses and pain the American people are going through due to the financial crisis

Ordered White house staff to be more open with the press

Made morning calls to -



PRESIDENT ABBAS (Palestinian Authority)

PM OLMERT (Israel)

to inform them about his support for GAZA (Thumbs Up !!!)

Mentioned MUSLIMS positively in his Inaguration Address - first time ever done by a US President !!

You can quote editorials endlessly (I don't read about 95% of them) by Monday Morning Quarterbacks and I'll just continue to watch the actions of the man (Barack). I believe my way is much more realistic - not some Writer's fantasy (and pay check) Dudester
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