You've been very lucky & it gives me hope! I imagine the transformer you got is a really very good one. Could you tell us the specs on your transformer?
What transformer works for one appliance will not neceserally work for another.
You need to ensure that the transformer is large enough for the appliance you are usimg; Transformers are normally rated in VA your appliance will be rated in watts or amps. Watts are just volts times amps, but for various reasons VA and amps are not quite the same so you need to allow about 10% so watts * 1.1 should allow you enough VA. If you only have the Amps (and if your appliance is 110v) multipy our amps by 110 and again allow 10%.
Needless to say if your transformer is larger this will not be a problem, if however it is too small, you will fry it. Hope that helps you.