Ladrones at LAN--help!

banut said:
i think in Argentina there is 3 tier pricing



stupid or unaware tourist

sad but true

the tourist always gets the screw ed

I find this country to be very non-discriminatory in terms of screwing people. I've been a legal resident here since I've lived here (nearly 5 years) have been screwed BIG time by goverment several times, AND I know countless people born and live in Argentina their entire lives and have been screwed, cheated and robbed countless times by the government and private companies alike. As I say "Típico Argentino"
Stafford said:
Now that's a bit harsh. Not all of them are disgusting little people. I've had some horrible experiences of course, but generally speaking a big smile and an ounce of respect towards the person on the other end of the counter goes a long way. You are right in that they are sadly not really accountable or responsible to help. It's all about how you approach them. One thing that's worked for me is to say something like "what a crazy day you guys must be having with all these cancellations. I can't even imagine..."

And not in a bullshit kind of way, but if you are actually sincere in taking a minute to understand the crap they're going through and show that you respect them, you'll be surprised how the attitude takes about a 90 degree turn.

Thanks for assuming the type of behavior I went to the counter with. Did you watch the video tape replay wherein I displayed no empathy for her sad plight? How do you know I did not sweet talk her into multiple orgasms? If you feel the need to stick your nose in the arse of menial clerk half your age and only remove it to blow smoke up it and patronize her, that´s your business. I will stick with common courtesy and the respect I demand to be returned. If you really think your pontification above would have worked for you in the situation I described, you are even simpler than your post indicates that you are. I love it, I almost got stuck paying a hotel for 2 more days in a town after my business was concluded out of the sheer laziness and lack of humanity of an employee and you drop behavioral advice on me the recipeint "A smile will go along way".

Hey, thanks for the advice. You have a great day!