
Cordero is pretty popular, but smaller carnicerias don't carry it. You might have better luck in capital.
You can buy whole frozen lamb or legs of at Jumbo, suckling pigs too.

In Palermo, Piaf sells whole lamb and cuts. It also yacare, duck, venison, partridge, and quial, among others.
Though they are usually frozen.
I'm not in BsAs right now, so I'm not really focused, but I think you want Mercado Progresso (I hope I have the name right). We've bought beautiful fresh lamb there. There's a great butcher close to the entrance. You'll see a long line.
My regular butcher del barrio has it occasionally and if not he can get it with two days notice. Try asking your butcher.


Thank u all. I went to Piaf because it was closest to me. I bought ground lamb to make moussaka. I would advise calling ahead if you want fresh such as a rack because what they had in their freezer looked freezer burned.