Lanata No Mas?!

Alicia karr

Sep 21, 2010
Ok, my Spanish isn't the best, but I'm pretty sure that Jorge Lanata just said that Dec. 8 will be "periodismo para todos" last program, a consequence of the Media law finding against Clarin. Whether one likes him or not, as he said, at least he was a real, if not the only, opposition voice publicly challenging the regime. Now because channel 13 is part of Clarin that has to divest, it will no longer operate, and along with it, Lanata's show will stop.
I don't know what I was thinking about the media law finding, but I WASNT thinking it meant the end of Lanata...he even said his radio show will also meet the same fate. If this is true, (and his show can't be picked up by another station?) this is a VERY sad day for the free speech of journalists in Argentina. Did I miss something? His show is the most popular in the country. Can't a different station pick him up, one that isn't operated by Clarin? Or would they be too afraid? Can anything else be done? Very scary and very sad, whether you agree with him or not, he certainly has at least performed an important role of challenging the "official" stories.
The only reason to stop it, is because Clarin would choose to get rid of Canal 13 (instead of other assets they could get rid off to keep the air channel). Which makes sense, as they are losing money lately according to media sources. Cablevision must be quite more profitable.
This law, if there's no coimas/apoderados/etc (not going to happen, I know) is supposed to avoid any kind of audiovisual media monopoly. It has many flaws, doesn't include web and print media, plus it doesn't help directly to create new media and thus more positions for journalists, or more "voices" as they claim. But, for what its worth, I'll take it.
Hate the government funded media, it's even worse than Clarin how they treat the topics, but that's another issue. Clarin IS a monopoly, and grew to a state where it was a 4th power in the country. The K's allowed that in first place? Yes. They do it to basically dismantle Clarin? Yes. And I still like it. Hopefully the K's are next.
Here's some good info about how Clarin could act to "voluntarily adjust" to the new law (made by La Nacion, so expect a bit of anti-K editorial line, yet not as much as Clarin of course)
so they're not allowed more than 10 channels and channel 13 counts as a separate channel in each province?
That's retarded.

No, canal 13 counts as one. But they also have channels in other provinces, different than canal 13. There's a limit of 10 air TV or radio signals. Also, you can't have cable and air TV on the same city. So, they'd have to get rid of Cablevision in Bs. As./Cordoba and any other city where they have an air TV channel. And if you're cable operator, you can't reach more than 24 cities under the same license. As Fibertel goes through the same cable, they say that Cablevision is what makes Fibertel profitable, so they'd cut down Fibertel where they can't take Cablevision.
Sounds like a mess, but basically they'll have to divide the society into smaller ones. Anyone knows how it works in the US? Comcast e.x.?

PS: Clarin is very strong in Cordoba, where they are the reason that the biggest narcotrafico report ever published in Argentina is not getting almost any press nationwide, as they are allies with De La Sota
The Media Law application will go into a series of legal suits and cautelares Cautions to determine the value of the assets, etc, not much will happen until 2015.... The next non K government will amened the Media Law.
I hope that's right, but if so, why haven't the "cauteleres" started? Damn I wish I could've understood everything Lanata was saying about this, but he speaks soo fast! I would've thought he might have acknowledged this process as well. Maybe he did and I just didn't get it!
Guess I won't get the chance to be part of his live audience someday...
No, canal 13 counts as one. But they also have channels in other provinces, different than canal 13. There's a limit of 10 air TV or radio signals. Also, you can't have cable and air TV on the same city. So, they'd have to get rid of Cablevision in Bs. As./Cordoba and any other city where they have an air TV channel. And if you're cable operator, you can't reach more than 24 cities under the same license. As Fibertel goes through the same cable, they say that Cablevision is what makes Fibertel profitable, so they'd cut down Fibertel where they can't take Cablevision.
Sounds like a mess, but basically they'll have to divide the society into smaller ones. Anyone knows how it works in the US? Comcast e.x.?

PS: Clarin is very strong in Cordoba, where they are the reason that the biggest narcotrafico report ever published in Argentina is not getting almost any press nationwide, as they are allies with De La Sota

The limit of 10 air or radio stations basically means 1 company can not run an air channel argentina wide?
Hi lacoqueta, I just listened to Lanata's intro where he talks about the media law details & no, he's actually saying that Dec could be the last show, he's saying he's not sure if it will be on next year cause of the current legal battle. He said there are five more shows before the end of the year & that he's not sure if canal 13 will be on next year. He's trying to get people to understand that if the general public allow it, the government will succeed in shutting down the independent press. It's a very compelling talk he gave. Thanks for bringing it up.
Hi lacoqueta, I just listened to Lanata's intro where he talks about the media law details & no, he's actually saying that Dec could be the last show, he's saying he's not sure if it will be on next year cause of the current legal battle. He said there are five more shows before the end of the year & that he's not sure if canal 13 will be on next year. He's trying to get people to understand that if the general public allow it, the government will succeed in shutting down the independent press. It's a very compelling talk he gave. Thanks for bringing it up.

The "modelo," obviously, is far too important to be subject to independent criticism.