Cause of simple maths & common sense....not many can go out & afford to pay AR$10 for a block of paper with outdated news when you can just turn on your mobile phone & catch the latest. On line internet news seems to be far more practical wouldn't you agree? no?
I do, but the ley de medios isn't affecting online properties either. In truth, the ley de medios isn't really affecting Clarin's freedom to say anything at all. If they want to keep Lanata they are free to put him on any channel they want. It's up to the channel, what they believe gets them the best ratings, what their advertisers like, and what they can negotiate with Lanata.
There's a conflation of two seperate issues - the long term economic impact on Clarin group's dominance of the Argentine media landscape, and "press freedom". I don't buy the argument that Clarin needs to own vast swathes of the nations airwaves in order to be "free" to broadcast their editorial line.
Clarin shoudl (and do) have the right to say whatever they want. They don't however have the right to own all the mouthpieces for perpetuity.