Lanata No Mas?!

He's trying to get people to understand that if the general public allow it, the government will succeed in shutting down the independent press. I

Given that the media law doesn't affect print media, how is it going to shut down the independent press?
If Lanata show is finished, it is because he is useless for Clarin after lossing the SC case. He is too expensive when he follow orders instead of doing free journalist.

The media law follows international human right standars for protecting media against censorship. Oligopolies like Clarin are a serious danger for freedom of speach.

The Court, if you read the sentence, established that this is a conflict about profits that has nothing to do with freedom of speach.
Given that the media law doesn't affect print media, how is it going to shut down the independent press?

The intenamerican comisión praised the media law and the anti-trust desicion of the government on the only paper factory (owned by Clarin and la nación).

The obstacle on freedom of press is Clarin.
So according to you Bajo_cero2, Lanata is simply a Clarin puppet who they can no longer afford.
And Clarin is enemy numero uno of free press?
Give me a break.

Oh and as Notebook says, PPT is seasonal anyway and Lanata's normally stops from December to March if I'm not mistaken.
He's as much in the dark as the rest of us, I would say.
His most important point last night was to implore people not to be walked all over by this regime, which let's face it is their stock in trade.
He has some health issues, he is off to sit on his own money pile for a few months while he looks for a new paymaster. The old dog is no fool, he'll be back once he needs to be.
How it works for two-bit dictators when a TV channel becomes too popular with the masses:
So according to you Bajo_cero2, Lanata is simply a Clarin puppet who they can no longer afford.
And Clarin is enemy numero uno of free press?
Give me a break.

Who used to own the only paper factory in argentina?
You know that to restrict the access to paper is the strongest tool against freedom of press right?

Let's see. SC said here freedom of press is not involved.

The intenamerican comisión of human rights said the same.

The same SC is soon going to decided against the government because the way they use the official advertizing is against freedom of press.

Guess what? Clarin has no sue on that topic.
BAjo, then why didn't they apply the Ley de Medios to Telefe , America & the rest of the K media too?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

You & I know too well that the others have breached the media law too..why is this FACT being CONVENIENTLY ignored by the K supporters?
They too have been in breach of the law for years but Cristina didn't seem bothered by it.
Why is Cristina only applying it on Clarin??? Funny huh?
Given that the media law doesn't affect print media, how is it going to shut down the independent press?
Cause of simple maths & common sense....not many can go out & afford to pay AR$10+ for a block of paper with outdated news when you can just turn on your smartphone & catch the latest. On line internet news seems to be far more practical wouldn't you agree? no?

In fact, they are attempting to apply 100 year old paper print media legislation onto modern internet services in desperate bid to control the content, especially streaming video. That's why we have slow unreliable internet, cause heaven forbid should we all start watching too much real time streaming video from news sites like TN or Infobae etc.. Oh no! Cristina wouldn't like that would she? Yes we can watch a bit of TN now, but it's not reliable & most consumers will switch off when the buffering waits start. But there's no way she could control .com domains if the internet service was of a better speed & reliability here. Ley the medios wouldn't have an effect then would it?! No wonder they aren't allowing the sale of new licences for internet services to competitors. Have a read of the link bellow, it highlights the fact that we have deplorable mobile data services. Wouldn't the national government love to get it's grubby little hands on Cablevision...monopoly you may ask? Of course it is, that was the plan under Nestor. Nestor's dream was for it to be a limited higher quality service firmly under the K iron fist, but the rebellious Clarin dog turned around & bit him back. Now they are desperate to rein it back in.

Por falta de inversión e inacción estatal, es casi imposible utilizar redes móviles en la Argentina