
Alright Matias, the truth is that it seems that you are just arguing for the point of arguing and nothing will change your mind. I decided to do an exercise and see what the "Media" was talking about. So I went to the website of Clarin, La Nación & Pagina 12 and searched for the word "Tren" in articles in November. Results:

Clarin - A few articles on the Judicial Process regarding the accident in Once. A train hit a man in Lanus, delays on the Roca. Controls to engineers will be aplied on all lines except for Belgrano Norte & Urquiza. An article on the drop in passengers on trains. Specifically pointing out a 76% drop on sarmiento, but also the drops on other lines. Also a mention of 3 accidents in the last 20 months on the Sarmiento.

La Nacion - Articles on the Judicial Process regarding the accident in Once. Note on the renovation of rolling stock on Mitre & Sarmiento lines, current deficiencies in entire train network.

Pagina 12 - Lots of articles on the judicial process regarding the accident in Once. Note about the new controls for engineers.

Conclusion: Your argument is full of holes. Throughout the 5 years I have been here there have been multiple specials looking at the disaster that is the metropolitan train system, noone focuses solely on the Sarmiento. MEDIA, including officiliast media, is focusing on the sarmiento because of the ongoing JUDICIAL PROCESS. Lanata is not the entirety of media, and he does a show with an angle that is specifically anti-K. So what? 678 does a show that is specifically Pro-K, and that is OK! Freedom of speech is wonderful.
Lanata is not the entire media, but is like THE VOICE of oposicion, if someone who oposes to the Ks want to know how bad the trains are, just look Lanata.

I saw Lanata last night and asked myself, why they showed the trains only by the Sarmiento? there are tons of posibilities of making such a good note if you go to the interior, for instance... why stay in capital and with the sarmiento in particular? why the accidents? just think, wouldnt the government take measures after the first accident? the minister of transport resigned after the first accident, you know... wouldnt they control strictly to not letting something happen? isnt that curious that happened 2 accidents after once in a short lapse? do you think the government is THAT lazy, to allow an accident in the same station than the first one, with the symbolic power that has, that could perfectly change an election? did you see the conclussions on the media about the experts saying both accidents were human errors?
do you think the government is THAT lazy, to allow an accident in the same station than the first one, with the symbolic power that has, that could perfectly change an election? did you see the conclussions on the media about the experts saying both accidents were human errors?

No, I don't think it's a matter of laziness. I just think the govt is that pressed for money that they can't afford in an election year to divert funds to anything other than 1) their own pockets and 2) the campaigns. Leave fixing things that are actually important to later, then make sure to have a scapegoat prepared. Do you not see that your beloved Ks are so self-involved and not actually "of the people and for the people". The Minister of Transport would have been forced out if he didn't play tthe K game anyway, you either sing their tune or you get shut out in the cold -- and more likely forced out into the cold with the door slammed shut and locked with a deadbolt behind you (ie you are never getting back in)
The Ks are only interested in one thing (which is the same one thing a lot of politicians are interested in) increasing the size of their own pockets and their own power, not actually being an example of responsible govt.
Matias, your arguments are so tired, flawed and emotionally unbalanced that I get a nauseous deja vu moment every time I read your posts.
You sound like a wind up toy that's been injected with K juice, the same old gramophone record stuck in the same old groove.
But what worries me most about the comments you and your like make, is that you seem incapable of opening your eyes to the damage that's being done to the minds of young people in this country.
I say that the media, who may have interersts in this, dont forget this point, only talks about the Sarmiento. As you said there are a lots of other incidents in other railways, but why every time they must speak of the abandonment we have on the trains they speak only pure and exclussively of the Sarmiento?. I did not hear anybody talking of the Belgrano or Urquiza. It is fishy that when we talk of how bad the trains are, and A LOT OF PEOPLE TALKED IN THE MEDIA OF THIS, every inform, every note, every article, every drivers conversations, every human mistaken accident, EVERYTHING focus only in the Sarmiento.
Oh yes, poor's a conspiracy by the Clarin group I tell ya! They have succeeded in brainwashing us all....and even though the national railways is firmly the sole responsibility of the FEDERAL government they keeping picking on the Sarmiento line. People should just lay off, look around and see all the good things that Kretina Baez has done in the la$t DeKada Ganada...bad bad medios...It's Magneto's fault that the train crashed isn't it Matias?! ;) knock! knock! Anyone in there? :confused:
do you think the government is THAT lazy, to allow an accident in the same station than the first one, fact, they wouldn't have a clue on how to administer a transport system let alone a country. They just know how to brain wash, lie & steal from the 'simple' people like you...have you ever stopped to ponder this fact Matias? :eek:
The Ks are only interested in one thing (which is the same one thing a lot of politicians are interested in) increasing the size of their own pockets and their own power,

If they only want the money and accidents happened because they were only interested in their pockets, how do you explain Asignaccion Universal por Hijo? wouldnt be much more easy to stole that huge quantity of money to their pockets? and what about the money they spent in new trains?
In fairness, the Kirchneristas inherited the train problem every previous government over the past half-century-plus. At the same time, they've squandered an opportunity to put things right by pandering to the public with soccer and sausages, among other things.