Alright Matias, the truth is that it seems that you are just arguing for the point of arguing and nothing will change your mind. I decided to do an exercise and see what the "Media" was talking about. So I went to the website of Clarin, La Nación & Pagina 12 and searched for the word "Tren" in articles in November. Results:
Clarin - A few articles on the Judicial Process regarding the accident in Once. A train hit a man in Lanus, delays on the Roca. Controls to engineers will be aplied on all lines except for Belgrano Norte & Urquiza. An article on the drop in passengers on trains. Specifically pointing out a 76% drop on sarmiento, but also the drops on other lines. Also a mention of 3 accidents in the last 20 months on the Sarmiento.
La Nacion - Articles on the Judicial Process regarding the accident in Once. Note on the renovation of rolling stock on Mitre & Sarmiento lines, current deficiencies in entire train network.
Pagina 12 - Lots of articles on the judicial process regarding the accident in Once. Note about the new controls for engineers.
Conclusion: Your argument is full of holes. Throughout the 5 years I have been here there have been multiple specials looking at the disaster that is the metropolitan train system, noone focuses solely on the Sarmiento. MEDIA, including officiliast media, is focusing on the sarmiento because of the ongoing JUDICIAL PROCESS. Lanata is not the entirety of media, and he does a show with an angle that is specifically anti-K. So what? 678 does a show that is specifically Pro-K, and that is OK! Freedom of speech is wonderful.
Clarin - A few articles on the Judicial Process regarding the accident in Once. A train hit a man in Lanus, delays on the Roca. Controls to engineers will be aplied on all lines except for Belgrano Norte & Urquiza. An article on the drop in passengers on trains. Specifically pointing out a 76% drop on sarmiento, but also the drops on other lines. Also a mention of 3 accidents in the last 20 months on the Sarmiento.
La Nacion - Articles on the Judicial Process regarding the accident in Once. Note on the renovation of rolling stock on Mitre & Sarmiento lines, current deficiencies in entire train network.
Pagina 12 - Lots of articles on the judicial process regarding the accident in Once. Note about the new controls for engineers.
Conclusion: Your argument is full of holes. Throughout the 5 years I have been here there have been multiple specials looking at the disaster that is the metropolitan train system, noone focuses solely on the Sarmiento. MEDIA, including officiliast media, is focusing on the sarmiento because of the ongoing JUDICIAL PROCESS. Lanata is not the entirety of media, and he does a show with an angle that is specifically anti-K. So what? 678 does a show that is specifically Pro-K, and that is OK! Freedom of speech is wonderful.