Latin Americas move to the left Good ? OR Bad

Great post he would have been about 11 when Hugo arrived, I'm sure he observed next to nothing, wait a minute I bet he is making it all up.
I would just like to say i am so happy that the article i posted provoked such interest and debate. And most of it rational and not from screeming looneys.(Thank you all for that) You will either love or Hate Hugo Chaves. But the film i posted earlier will at least give all people a view of the other side of the coin. Yes John pilger is a lefty just as fox newsy is a righty.
But john Pilger gives a voice to the poor and should be heard aswell.
I have watched this film and disagree with various parts(mainly the bit about chile) but if you want to see things from the point of view of a poor latinos and not the spoon fed crap of the multi national media. Then i reccommend you make time to sit down watch enjoy or hate but at least view the other side of the coin. If you disagree feel free to blast away afterwards. I will happily take all the abuse on my chin.
ghost said:
Chazev came into power when you were about 15 years old are you suggesting that you observed the change during your many trips?

gouchobob said:
Great post he would have been about 11 when Hugo arrived, I'm sure he observed next to nothing, wait a minute I bet he is making it all up.

Maybe you both need to get your eye sight checked because nowhere in his post do I see him suggesting that.