Lazaro Baez Arrested, Perez Gadin Arrested... Who's Next ?

Well, that would be very interesting because until now there is nothing (neither at the Panama papers where Macri and his people is) but the PPT show.

What do you think about the Infobae article? Credible?
What do you think about the Infobae article? Credible?

I do not believe in press regarding criminal cases because I have worked in some cases that were in newspapers on a daily basis and they always informed in a inaccurate way.
I prefer to wait and read the decision of the judge.
Until now there is only a show that was used for the political campaign to win the elections, nothing else.
You mean him?:

Until now, there is no evidence against the former President but the actual President is deeply involved.

Wait and see.

ROFLOL.. LOL... Your bipolar too! Now the snitches are being hidden so your queen does have then wacked. Dude you are one of the most diluted human beings I have encountered in my life. Reality for you is twisted manipulation spewed out of the mouths of the corruptos that have been wrenched out of the poison of Peronismo. I am so glad my brain does not work like yours.
Oppps here we go it appears now Kster is getting the full investigationization!!!! Big Axes Falling. Loving the news.
Well, that would be very interesting because until now there is nothing (neither at the Panama papers where Macri and his people is) but the PPT show.
Why am I not surprised at the doc's extraordinary head-in-the-sand attitude here?
It's all a Jorge Lanata conspiracy; of course, of course.
The fact that canaries have sung and others will in future, especially since they no longer have the warm protective blanket they so cherished.
Wake up and smell the napalm doc!

Somewhere else I read details of the Fariña testimony, which contained astonishing details about the flights, suitcases, airports, Swiss and Belgium routes, even the code generator they used to make transfers. And of course Christina's paranoid actions after she thought (correctly I assume) that Baez and the cronies were out to "take Nestor's money". After all, Nestor was the one who set everything up in the first place. It is not for nothing Fariña has asked for and received security under the witness protection program.

I am going to stock up on popcorn and watch the BajoCeros ships sink.