Lesbians & Gays Expats?

Hi! Thanks for your replies, comments… and photo (actually that’s a BA’s disco… well, something for every taste).
Glad to know that gay community is well integrated here, although we can hear sometimes in the street or in public transportation “puto!”…!
I’m not exclusive, to choose only lesbian or gay and lesbian places. Diversity of all kind makes a richer environment; conversations, relations are more interesting, either in bars or at the office. However, the majority frequenting a place makes usually easier to connect with. That’s what I’m looking for, at this stage, as I might stay here for a while.
Chet, who would not be offended to be excluded…??!! “hetro only”, nothing to do with this thread
  • Quote
    Hi! Thanks for your replies, comments… and photo (actually that’s a BA’s disco… well, something for every taste).
    Glad to know that gay community is well integrated here, although we can hear sometimes in the street or in public transportation “puto!”…!
    I’m not exclusive, to choose only lesbian or gay and lesbian places. Diversity of all kind makes a richer environment; conversations, relations are more interesting, either in bars or at the office. However, the majority frequenting a place makes usually easier to connect with. That’s what I’m looking for, at this stage, as I might stay here for a while.
    Chet, who would not be offended to be excluded…??!! “hetro only”, nothing to do with this thread
They call everyone puto here. Gay or straight. Don't take it personally. I hear it a lot when drivers are pissed off at another driver. It's just another way of calling them an a**hole, regardless of their sexual preference.
The nice thing about BA is that someone may be prejudice against homosexuals, but they'll keep their mouth shut when sitting in a restaurant next to them. It's ironic, all my gay friends avoid gay bars. They prefer open/ gay friendly bars and clubs since both heterosexual and homosexuals go, and they like to mix it up and enjoy the adventure of trying to convert someone and convince them to join their team. There isn't really a gay neighborhood. It's all integrated in BA.
"join their team"? It's a team sport now??????????
They call everyone puto here. Gay or straight. Don't take it personally. I hear it a lot when drivers are pissed off at another driver. It's just another way of calling them an a**hole, regardless of their sexual preference.

Absolutely, here a greeting among hetero friends is "Hola Puto" :wub:
As long as we're on sports metaphors:

It's different here, which is good and bad.

I used to live in the Village in Toronto because it was close to work and downtown, but
the nice thing is here, like in Northern Europe, there really isn't a gayborhood because
we don't have issues living among straight people and being prone to homophobic

That being said, the majority of events here advertised towards LGBTQ people are clubs
and bars, which isn't fun if you're like me and don't really drink/don't find it fun getting
drunk and staying up until 5AM in a hazy club with music blaring. This can make it difficult
to meet other gay/gay friendly people.

You will meet others via work like I have and networking through friends. My roommate and
I are gay, and he met one of our friends at a regular bar and she just happens to be bi.
We also have gone to a couple of the far and few between non-booze involved gay events
to meet others as well.

It's a pro and con over all the situation here, but it does work out once you meet 1 or 2
people who are gay, then you of course can network and meet more.

So would anyone be offended if a hetro only event was proposed?

The reason we have events catered towards LGBTQ people is because we get
anywhere between sworn at, beat up and at the extreme killed in some places
for being something we didn't choose in public.

Also, I've never been to a gay event that is gay only, believe it or not, many gay
people have more straight friends than gays, and these people come to the
events to have fun too, even if they aren't attracted to the same sex.

Lastly, this should explain to you and mockingbird a bit of why there is LGBTQ
celebrations if my points weren't clear :)
