Let's Vote With Responsabilty


Nov 20, 2009
Dear Members,
Although I know this doesn't not pertain to most of you, there are some of us to whom it does and the outcome will effect us all.
While I have very strong feelings for and against the candidates, let's hope the outcome will be for a brighter, more evenly spread change for us all! I am very saddened not to be able to vote as I am in South Africa and can not vote at am embassy at which I am not registered, so my friends who can vote and know me, if you are thinking FOR SOME CRAZY REASON of not casting your vote today, please cast it for me!
One vote plus one adds up... If there is no fraud. If they can hold the results til 10 pm like last time...! anything can happen.
Glued to the TV to watch Navarro's FACE

jjajajaja FPV accepted and waits for results.....!!! :wub:
Por Fin!!!!!

Felicitaciones y Abrazos

Oíd, mortales el grito sagrado
Libertad, libertad, libertad:
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas,
ved en trono a la noble igualdad.
Se levanta en la faz de la tierra
Una nueva gloriosa nación,
Coronada su cien de laureles,
Y a sus plantas rendido un Leon.