Dear opponents (with your pure understanding of “right” English in deep heuristic comprehension, emotional and logical stage of mind) and alike.
Surely they have the power to make sure this guy never even existed if there was such a long-running conspiracy from all of those who have held power since the 14th Amendment was ratified (or not as this guy claims).
Well did you follow the fella’s references to his stock of documents posted? Have you actually looked over these? And you’re telling me there is “no evidences”?? Man, even with my vague comprehension in English – I grasp it.
Why is it that no one else is doing anything about it if all this is true? I don't mean current politicians, but there are literally millions of people who would jump all over this sort of thing if it made any sense at all.
Let me ask you, “ElQueso”, as a “veteran” of this community of expats.
Why not the current politicians, btw?
How long time ago or when did you first hear about the US Congressional allegations to audit the “Federal Reserve System”? Kind of like what Dr. Ron Paul is up to with his HR 1207 and S 604 bills.
Once you've heard does that strikes you that everyone “knows” of what “F.R.S.” really is and no one ever speaks about it? Take a look back in 10-15 years ago. Have you personally ever heard about such private institution via TV, radio or print? Any discrepancies or suspicions about their activities, history of creation, major figures, etc.?
Btw, have you seen a “millions” of people who jumped with any sort of serious allegations “all over” the “Federal Reserve System” since everyone got knowledge what they are?
I’ve seen Dr. Paul ONLY with his bold initiative so far.
Unfortunately you lose Mr. Rigs where he clearly shows a difference in a “citizenship” jurisdiction and how everything else is following after. Did you get his explanation between “citizens” of a “municipal corporation”? And by making you a citizen of a “corporation” instead of constitutional “citizen of State” you and me became a property of that “corporation”. So this is where our citizenship was snitched off.
The guy says the 14 th Amendment was never ratified. Why? He sure didn't explain that at all. That's a pretty freaking big claim!
Read “Congressional Record – House, by June 13, 1967” doc in his references.
The reason “no one” is “jumping all over” this is that everybody was per-occupied with plain lies and forgery of EVERY historical incident in the United States.
And Mr. Riggs is absolutely right – it certainly takes some pretty significant amount of hair on someone's balls to stand up for things like that.
Do you recall the “Continental Congress” and how many times they were filing in all levels of the United States courts against these notorious “bail-outs” since 2008?
Damned! Where was all your “millions of people” who was "ready to jump"???
Do you know how many people who had actually “jumped” on the top of that issue?
And you, as well as our dear SaraSara and “citygirl” surely know about GM/GE food. And probably knows for the long-long time. So I do not see how you and any other proud and “non-conspired” expats are “jumping all over this”.
How about this – “… According to draft language circulated by the FDA, the U.S. will oppose a proposal at an upcoming meeting of an important Codex committee that would allow the labeling of genetically engineered food. Consumers Union and more than 80 family farm, public health, environmental and organic food organizations have raised concerns that the U.S. position will create major problems for American producers who want to label their products as "GMO-free”.”
With all due respect to your logical capability, I think you could clearly see where this shit is flying and when it’s going to hit the fan?
Is this “proposal” is sounds legitimate to you?