Life in Rosario vs BA


Sep 20, 2018
Anyone ever spent serious time or lived in Rosario? I've spent all of two weeks there and, while it seems significantly less expensive than BA in terms of rent/real estate and they apparently have a very prestigious German private school, the city looks really plain to me. How does crime and safety there compare to BA?
it's excruciatingly boring...provincial

Rosario is famous for its nightlife and certainly is not boring. I agree though it lives under the shadow of Buenos Aires and is not a distinguished refined city like Mendoza
Really? Isn't it a fairly large city?
It's a third largest city in Argentina, 1.200 000 by the 2010 census. Size is not always a factor, mid west has plenty big cities, but that does not make them exciting. It depends on your interests - if you want to go out for dinners or drinks at night or boliches or folkloric stuff, it's fine. If you want a world class level theater performances, art expositions, international music concerts, intellectual literary events. etc - don't hold your breath. Not for decent milongas either.