Linea 8 To Ezeiza

My sister was out here. When returning, she said "I'll just take the subte out to ezeiza"

I said "yeah fine, just remember to take a shovel because you'll be digging most of the way yourself."

predictions for subte station at Ezeiza? 2047.

Or, more accurately, one day before the Human Atomizing Transponderthingamiwotsit is announced.
Subte, probably never. What I'd do if I were in charge of such things would run a train along the highway from the airport to general Paz and along the general Paz till Nunez (could run on the belgrano norte line from the panamericana ) with a stop at aeroparque and then finishing in retiro.
I remember taking a combi somewhere at 9 de julio that would drop you off on the side of road after 20 min, some high way somewhere, and then you could walk over the grass a bit to a busstop that would take you to the airport in another 10 min. So that makes 30 min in total, a bit more if youre unlucky with the bus showing up, No idea anymore what combi it was, where to tell them to stop, or which bus to take after though haha, so its not exactly a full proof plan, but it worked at the time.

Another trip i did was taking the train from Constitución to Ezeiza and then a colectivo to the airport. It was more about saving money than time obviously, but it also worked out fine and you can get to the station by subte so thats easy.
I love the metro system out here. Honestly, I didn't know there was even a single metro in the world that could take you directly to an airport in twenty minutes.

If only Barajas wasnt such an enormous and empty airport, you can get there in 10 min by metro, only to have to walk 45 min inside the airport. Barcelona does it nicer i think, 20 min by train and the place itself isnt such a pain. Amsterdam is still my favorite though, easy to get though and one of the nicest airports around.
If only Barajas wasnt such an enormous and empty airport, you can get there in 10 min by metro, only to have to walk 45 min inside the airport. Barcelona does it nicer i think, 20 min by train and the place itself isnt such a pain. Amsterdam is still my favorite though, easy to get though and one of the nicest airports around.
That's a valid point, it's a monstrous and inconveniently arranged airport.

I think I was just lucky with a short distance inside the airport last time. It took me about ten minutes to get to the right section from the metro exit.

In Barcelona, I recently took a public bus - 44? - to go to the airport from Plaza de España, which was cheap and very easy, I didn't see a single tourist. The official shuttle is so expensive! But, anyway, Barcelona is a small village when compared to Buenos Aires, so transport is a bit less difficult anyway.

I love how you can catch a train so easily, directly from the airport in Amsterdam. Holland is a very small country where infrastructure is often arranged very efficiently. Completely uncomparable to Buenos Aires.
That's a valid point, it's a monstrous and inconveniently arranged airport.

I think I was just lucky with a short distance inside the airport last time. It took me about ten minutes to get to the right section from the metro exit.

In Barcelona, I recently took a public bus - 44? - to go to the airport from Plaza de España, which was cheap and very easy, I didn't see a single tourist. The official shuttle is so expensive! But, anyway, Barcelona is a small village when compared to Buenos Aires, so transport is a bit less difficult anyway.

I love how you can catch a train so easily, directly from the airport in Amsterdam. Holland is a very small country where infrastructure is often arranged very efficiently. Completely uncomparable to Buenos Aires.

I only took nightbuses to the airport from Barcelona, as i often took a flight at 6 in the morning. During the day it was always the train, it costs 2 or 3 euro and is very fast. I suppose theres also a normal bus as you said. I love transport in Barcelona in general. Yes Holland is a small country, and Barcelona is also smaller than BsAs, but its not about connecting the entire country or even the whole of the city to the airport. Just a train to one of the main stations, or a fast connection to say, the center of the city or a main subte station, would be not that difficult to accomplish and would make a huge difference for visitors.
I have so many of those brilliant ideas too, but knowing Argentina, la Madre de las Oportunidades Perdidas, fairly well, I fear it's more realistic to expect they'll perhaps, ultimately, just succeed in improving the poor condition of the current line to Ezeiza by attaching some alambre.

My heart hurts.
I have so many of those brilliant ideas too, but knowing Argentina, la Madre de las Oportunidades Perdidas, fairly well, I fear it's more realistic to expect they'll perhaps, ultimately, just succeed in improving the poor condition of the current line to Ezeiza by attaching some alambre.

My heart hurts.

Would be nice if they could atar their brains with some alambre and get their shit together, but youre probably right that thats not too realistic. Por eso el país está como está etc etc
I will use a tax,$200 from San Telmo,my landlady uses it on a regular basis.The trip to Eze must be the most disorganised in the world from a public transport point of view and isn't the goddess on about doing a fast train to Cordoba.Bit like the new fast train now being pushed through in UK,another white elephant that will cost a fortune in subsidises by the taxpayers.Why don't they give people the transport they need,perhaps the taxi drivers etc would cause a big problem if they tried to make life easier for passengers?