Link to CFK Harvard event.

fifs2 said:
Sorry for being too lazy to rewatch the video so Im copying from Clarin (que miente no lo sabes??). No se trata de lo que yo quiero, sino de lo que puedo o debo. Es una cuestión abstracta. No depende de mi, ni siquiera de ningún partido. Las reformas no fueron hechas por un solo partido, fueron hechas por dos partidos”.

She did a perfect job of leaving it open for her to see a constitutional reform. It's not about what I want, its about what I can do or must do. It's an abstract queston. It doesnt depend upon me, nor any party. The reforms werent made by one party alone but by two parties.

Nailing herself to the cross of presidential martyrdom. If I MUST be relected to serve my poor people, fly by private jet and buy Louboutins then I will but not because I want to but because I MUST.

Well this sounds like I was pretty close to what she "might have been" saying.
Gringoboy said:
Her body language spoke a thousand words for me. No, seriously.
Did anyone notice the way she screws up her nose in a rather alarmingly coquetish manner?
Which almost invites you to fall into her little trap?
The turning of her face away from the questioner, almost at the end of her reply, was as dismissive as a schoolteacher caught out for brazen cheating. It was painful to watch most of the time.
She's a passionate and accomplished speaker; of that I have no doubt.
Lamentably though, her put downs last night and her inability to answer a simple question in a few manageable syllables, were sure signs that those very questions struck like a dagger.

compare her to Dilma who appeared in April.
I haven't watched all of Dilma's talk yet, but I can say so far.................otra cosa!
I went to the talk at Harvard last night. It was the strangest IOP Kennedy school talk I've ever been to. NEVER have I seen a speaker so defensive and downright RUDE. That was probably the first time she's ever had to deal with applause at the questions instead of applause at her discourse. Even the moderator dean guy looked taken aback.
Well It was fun and genuine entertainment, the best in years to come...!!!