Little Cristina Upset Crush Barack Didn't Visit, Keeps his Toy Plane.

No, if this was true (as I said in another post) "La Nacion" would host a party in its building for all people living in Barrio Norte. What I found after 5 minutes in Google is that you need to pay taxes anyway if your inheritance is more than 3 million ARS:

"* Asimismo, se encuentran exentos del impuesto:
1) La transmisión gratuita de bienes, cuando su valor en conjunto sea igual o inferior a pesos tres millones ($ 3.000.000). Cuando el valor de dichos bienes supere la mencionada suma, quedará sujeta al gravamen la totalidad de los bienes transmitidos en forma gratuita;"

Really, your theory looked like something out of the M***m years, not 2011 Argentina. And in an electoral year? Even Macri would not be so stupid.
ghost said:
Are you kidding? You are saying that she issues a national DECREE to primarily benefit one person?? That is simply mind boggling.

Don't forget this is the same kind of people who said the Nestor Kirchner coffin was empty, enough said.
This kind of articles won't be traduced to English for obvious reasons nor you will read it in any North American newspaper or hear the radio chat show or watch in a TV program and if you do probably will be in a 3:00 am slot with little or nil pre announcement.

The translation lamentably sucks but its all what is there unfortunately Argentina do not posses a 'Voice of America' or 'BBC' type of media conglomerate to broadcast to the world the local and international news, we don't have a voice at all, what we got here is a media oligopoly which works against the country interest given misinformation to the rest of the world but the true situation of the country when it matters these news are spread distorted to deceive and fool the rest, a shame and a sad affair for the people who control and prostitute for so long those important mediums of communication.................................Wait!!! Damn maybe that is all the idea!

The Miami-addicted phenomenon <click>
Tried to read that article and it gave me a headache. Maybe it's good in Spanish but in English it goes in circles, dead ends and makes almost no sense. I'm not sure why anyone would even write such drivel.
Sounds a lot like google translate of badly written spanish. If they will be sending the trolls, they could at least send some that knows grammar (at least in spanish).
notebook.fix said:
EDIT: If the Gov was serious about stopping contraband then they should begin by cracking down on the massive drug trafficking going on through our air ports...why aren't they?

Do two wrongs make a right?
Just imagine...Cristina taking full control of a reputable Media organization like the BBC & getting full broadcasting control of it's content....just imagine how 'Fair & balanced' it would be?? LOL!!

!!!Canal 7/Cronica/INDEC to the world!! :D!!!

North Korea State TV - eat your heart out!

Lucas said:
This kind of articles won't be traduced to English for obvious reasons nor you will read it in any North American newspaper or hear the radio chat show or watch in a TV program and if you do probably will be in a 3:00 am slot with little or nil pre announcement.

The translation lamentably sucks but its all what is there unfortunately Argentina do not posses a 'Voice of America' or 'BBC' type of media conglomerate to broadcast to the world the local and international news, we don't have a voice at all, what we got here is a media oligopoly which works against the country interest given misinformation to the rest of the world but the true situation of the country when it matters these news are spread distorted to deceive and fool the rest, a shame and a sad affair for the people who control and prostitute for so long those important mediums of communication.................................Wait!!! Damn maybe that is all the idea!

The Miami-addicted phenomenon <click>
notebook.fix said:
Just imagine...Cristina taking full control of a reputable Media organization like the BBC & getting full broadcasting control of it's content....just imagine how 'Fair & balanced' it would be?? LOL!!

!!!Canal 7/Cronica/INDEC to the world!! :D!!!

North Korea State TV - eat your heart out!
Cristina can't control her flatulence, say nothing about world class media or world class anything.
Sorry Mucas I know you love her just don't squeeze her.