Hey all,
I'm thinking of spending the winter months somewhere in Latin America besides BA. After about six months, I'm realizing that my Spanish is not improving at the rate I would like, due both to my laziness as well as rioplatense idioyncracies. This place is also getting more and more expensive. I can even notice over six months for some items. It is also getting cold!
So, any of you super-experienced South American veterans have any suggestions about where I might go for a few months? The criteria are 1) Affordable 2) Big enough to not be boring 3) Safe 4) Nice weather in July and August.
I've though of Quito or Medellin. Thanks for any tips!
I'm thinking of spending the winter months somewhere in Latin America besides BA. After about six months, I'm realizing that my Spanish is not improving at the rate I would like, due both to my laziness as well as rioplatense idioyncracies. This place is also getting more and more expensive. I can even notice over six months for some items. It is also getting cold!
So, any of you super-experienced South American veterans have any suggestions about where I might go for a few months? The criteria are 1) Affordable 2) Big enough to not be boring 3) Safe 4) Nice weather in July and August.
I've though of Quito or Medellin. Thanks for any tips!