Location advice


May 22, 2011
Hey all,

I'm thinking of spending the winter months somewhere in Latin America besides BA. After about six months, I'm realizing that my Spanish is not improving at the rate I would like, due both to my laziness as well as rioplatense idioyncracies. This place is also getting more and more expensive. I can even notice over six months for some items. It is also getting cold!

So, any of you super-experienced South American veterans have any suggestions about where I might go for a few months? The criteria are 1) Affordable 2) Big enough to not be boring 3) Safe 4) Nice weather in July and August.

I've though of Quito or Medellin. Thanks for any tips!
...and 5) Spanish-speaking which rules out Manaus

As in the rest of life, you can probably pick any two out of four (or five) quite easily: three or four is harder; five - forget it.

Quito is nice but notice how everyone goes around in jumpers all the year round. Because of the altitude, when you are in direct sunlight it flays your skin and when you are in shadow, you freeze. Your time is during the dry season.

I could spend more time in Panama City. Mexico City bustles but there are pollution issues, IMO. The other places I like probably fail because they are too small, too quiet for you. So... pick which two out of five and go again :)
When I left Mexico the 5 places that were suggested as safe included Mexico City, Puebla, Veracruz and 2 beach towns. I like Mexico City and Veracruz but the latter will be really hot, never visited Puebla but it sounds great. Mexico is very affordable and their Spanish is nice and standard.
OK, is Mexico as dangerous as the news makes it look right now?

Per Elhombresinnombre's criteria reduction requests, how about safe and a bargain?
Krista B. said:
When I left Mexico the 5 places that were suggested as safe included Mexico City, Puebla, Veracruz and 2 beach towns. I like Mexico City and Veracruz but the latter will be really hot, never visited Puebla but it sounds great. Mexico is very affordable and their Spanish is nice and standard.

Never heard Mexico City and safe being in the same sentence, the locals might say it's gotten a bit "safer" but you still gotta be alert. Though I can say when I was there last year, we never ran into a problem, save for the sex club promoters harassment "you like weed, girls? we have ALMOST VIRGINS!"

if you want warmth, you could do San Juan Costa Rica, Caracas Venezuela, I'd suggest venezuela as they do have some lovely lovely mujeres
If you like to surf or enjoy other water sports like skin diving then go to Costa Rica. For fishing try Belieze. Both are safe and clean.
Ok, thanks to all for the info. Any final word on Medellin Colombia?
Mexico City is great. I returned recently. Grocery prices are noticably lower than BA. The city is very safe. Puerto Vallarta is wonderful and very safe. Have you considered Suriname?
mpeezay said:
Never heard Mexico City and safe being in the same sentence, the locals might say it's gotten a bit "safer" but you still gotta be alert. Though I can say when I was there last year, we never ran into a problem, save for the sex club promoters harassment "you like weed, girls? we have ALMOST VIRGINS!"

if you want warmth, you could do San Juan Costa Rica, Caracas Venezuela, I'd suggest venezuela as they do have some lovely lovely mujeres

I admire the panache you show in warning about Mexico City whilst promoting Caracas, Venezuela.


The report estimates the murder rate in Caracas at an astonishing 220 per 100,000 people. That is higher even than in Mexico’s drug-ridden Ciudad Juárez. “I don’t have the slightest doubt that Caracas is the most violent city in the world,” says Mr Briceño-León
I've lived in Caracas for a few months in 2009 and felt anything but safe. Also, it is very expensive. And because of the high crime rates most bars and nightclubs are located in shopping malls... boring.