looking for a church

In many ways, AA meetings are a form of church prayer and I don't mean that faceaciously, as I go to these meetings when the need takes me.
Once had a bloke turn up and announced he was a sex addict.
I said 'you've come to the right place then.'
elclandestino said:
I found rather fun how you Protestant Americans (I'm an Atheist of Catholic Christian, Orthodox Christian and Jewish Reformist origin of Slavic, Sephardic Jewish and Latin blood) relate to the church, namely in the countryside

_ i'm not american, just a believer looking for fellow believers...
each to their own, yes, have you seen the link? mmm....
Hi Mienke, The Centro Cristiano Palermo has an English service on Sunday mornings. They meet at this address : J. Salguero 1184 in Palermo. I don't know if they are meeting right now because I know the pastor is in America but he should be back pretty soon. Their phone number is 4862.3566 if you want to call them. This is their blog and has the pastor's email address. http://iglesiaccpalermo.blogspot.com/2010/02/centro-cristiano-palermo-domingo-31-de.html
This is not a Catholic church and the pastor says that he goes through the Bible systematically verse by verse.
Napoleon said:
There's an Anglican church (Episcopalian if you're American) on Calle 25 de May around Peron (mas of menos). When I stuck my head in there one Wednesday, the lady who greated me switched from Spanish quickly to English when she realized that I bathe regularly. Their services my be bilingual.

It has a website as well:

You religious types are too serious

And well, I just love to have fun with people on their religious, patriotic, nationalistic and political illusions
The English meetings for the church (Centro Cristiano Palermo) I mentioned in the post above are at 10.30 AM at Jeronimo Salguero 1184 between Avenida Cordoba and Jose Cabrera in Palermo. They have started their meetings again. The church is run by a missionary couple who have been in Buenos Aires a long time and they actually go through the Bible discussing it verse by verse.
Hi Meinke, welcome to Argentina!!!! (if you're a newcomer to Argentina, that is. Maybe you're just a newcomer to this forum but . . . welcome anyway! ;D) Scanning this thread I didn't see of what persuasion you are. There is an english speaking church at Martinez. I don't remember the name offhand and won't go find it unless you think Martinez is close enough. I think it is baptist but not sure. I have visited there and liked it--a lot. It is small but very sweet and friendly people. I would go there except it is two subways and a train ride from me (though they told me there's a bus that is easier).

In Belgrano is Rey de Reyes. I have not visited there but heard a lot of good things. It is a charismatic type church. They don't speak english but they give you a headset in which the proceedings are translated into english. I thought that might be helpful in learning spanish. Hearing the spanish but being able to know what it is in english.

I haven't found anything I really like either. I attend a Baptist church near me. Some english speakers there but everything is in spanish. The pastor speaks VERY clearly though and relatively slowly and I can recognize words and also can separate the words I do not know. With most spanish speakers they seem to run it all together to the point where often I would recognize the words if they just spoke more clearly. Since I want to become conversational in spanish, I think this pastor's manner of speaking is helpful. But I know that isn't what you are looking for. .

Good luck in finding one that is right for you. This is a good place to ask, I think.
I reaklize the person who started this thread said ´not Catholic´ but for those may be inclined that way there is an English service at a lovely church at the corner of Suipacha and Arroyo. For those who may be a bit rusty, or aren´t familiar with the new mass, they give the order of service in English.

If memory serves, there is also one in Accassuo.

Check the Herald, many of the churches which have English services put notices in there.

Cheers, Richard
Gringoboy said:
In many ways, AA meetings are a form of church prayer and I don't mean that faceaciously, as I go to these meetings when the need takes me.
Once had a bloke turn up and announced he was a sex addict.
I said 'you've come to the right place then.'

To which he replied, "Thank you, I just did".
There is a Presbyterian Church at Peru 351 downtown there are services in English and Spanish and they have groups of conversation on Fridays at 6pm that I used to go.