Looking For Two Specific Things In This City.


Sep 20, 2014
Hello all, been living here in BsAs for a couple of months now and there are two specific things that I'm missing a lot from other countries, so I thought, why not ask you guys?

First, Nutella, where the heck is all the Nutella in this country?! I cannot find a single supermarket that sells it, I need my nutella fix or I might go insane. Any tips?

Secondly, and this is a long shot, but I'm looking for a very specific cigarette that I used to smoke in Asia:


Bohem Branded mojito flavored cigars, they are from South Korea I believe, and man I miss them a LOT. Been hopping around tobacco stores but no luck, the only way I found to get them here would be to buy online, but that's too expensive/pain in the butt with the imports here. So if anyone has any idea if these are avaliable here, I would love to know.

Cheers from Brazilian, peace!
Check for nutella in barrio chino in the new supermarket that opened this year.
I've seen Nutella in Jumbo supermarkets and at Falabella in the past, but I haven't looked for it lately.

As for the mojito cigars... I think you're going to have to get creative there. Buy some regular cigars and soak them in a mojito. :p
I have seen nutella in nearly every store I have gone into.. it's not a scare product IMO.. sometimes a store runs out and you have to wait for it.. but it always comes back..