Hello there gals or boys
I have arrived here almost 3 months ago and I haven't yet been out so much.

I will explain when we get together if you want to come out with me.
I really want to go TANGO, MILONGAs. Have a friend who can do that with me would be fab. I don't consider myself intelectual(I say this is for those who are) but would love to also try reading more,not to stand out, but just so I won't feel like fish out of water when someone comes and talk to me about something(event, subject) that I never heard of. I have a wandering mind that doesn't let me remember much about the books I read

like if you want to start making part of book discusion, know a little more about philosophy and mithology I'd deffinitely go with you. Because these are the things I want to get to know.
I am sure there are loads of people out there like me who are healthy, beautiful and fun but yet can't go out there on their own...
reply to me and I will either give you my number or get yours.
ps: If I am lucky enough that someone replies to me before 7pm I'd invite you to come out to a Milonga that I have never been to, but I'd like to try it out tonight. It's in calle Armenia.