Looks like we're not getting another stimulus payment


Mar 20, 2014

"The new bipartisan bill being negotiated reportedly includes funding for liability protections and support for businesses and an extension of unemployment aid. It does not, however, include direct payments to citizens as the first round of stimulus did."

As heartily as I dislike Trump, he did at least do his best to get us all another $1200, but Pelosi has apparently decided we don't need that. Whatever happened to the Democrats being the party of the people?

"The new bipartisan bill being negotiated reportedly includes funding for liability protections and support for businesses and an extension of unemployment aid. It does not, however, include direct payments to citizens as the first round of stimulus did."

As heartily as I dislike Trump, he did at least do his best to get us all another $1200, but Pelosi has apparently decided we don't need that. Whatever happened to the Democrats being the party of the people?

Trump could have tried a little harder and issued an exectuive order perhaps, but I do agree that most of the blame goes to Pelosi who simply didn't want to give him any wins before the election. She wouldn't even let it come up for a vote. There's a reason she has the secord worst approval rating in the entire US government.

I remember her having a meltdown on CNN when simply asked about passing another bill a month ago.

Why should anyone who was not directly affected by covid, like restaurant workers, etc get $1,200? Retirees got it, citizens living abroad got it, and so on.
Who the hell is actually voting for Pelosi

Wall St. voted for her. Literally nobody likes this person except the DNC leadership because of her fundraising power. She's basically Mitch with botox and a thousand dollar haircut.
I am not sure why people hate Pelosi so much. She is a smart, capable politician, and in her district, she most recently got. 72% of the vote of her constituents, who are not "Wall Street". And in the last vote for speaker, she got 220 votes from her fellow congresspeople, which is 51% of the members of the house- again a number that, by definition, includes far more than Wall Street. Nobody like Lyndon Johnson, either, but he was, like Pelosi, excellent at actually getting things done, and bills passed.
I am not sure why people hate Pelosi so much. She is a smart, capable politician, and in her district, she most recently got. 72% of the vote of her constituents, who are not "Wall Street". And in the last vote for speaker, she got 220 votes from her fellow congresspeople, which is 51% of the members of the house- again a number that, by definition, includes far more than Wall Street. Nobody like Lyndon Johnson, either, but he was, like Pelosi, excellent at actually getting things done, and bills passed.
What has she got done? Can't seem to get a stimulus bill passed.
I am not sure why people hate Pelosi so much. She is a smart, capable politician, and in her district, she most recently got. 72% of the vote of her constituents, who are not "Wall Street". And in the last vote for speaker, she got 220 votes from her fellow congresspeople, which is 51% of the members of the house- again a number that, by definition, includes far more than Wall Street. Nobody like Lyndon Johnson, either, but he was, like Pelosi, excellent at actually getting things done, and bills passed.

I surprised that someone who is often expressing left wing points of view, can't see why many progressives don't like her. There are many smart and capable politicians. Mike Pompeo is smart and capable. Graduated first in his class at West Point and has a degree from Harvard Law. He also won his district by a very health margin when he was in the house. Do you like him?

She is a corporate democrat. She represents corporations before the people. She won't even allow a medicare for all bill to be voted on. She is corrupt -
What has Pelosi done besides pass a health care bill that was created by the right wing Heritage Foundation? A bill that really stuck it to those health insurance companies. Just take a look at their stock prices since...Humana performed better than even FB, GOOG or MSFT.