Lost Cat! :(


Jun 6, 2006
I know this is a bit of a long-shot but I'm giving everything a try...
My cat went missing from Giribone and Teodoro Garcia (Chacarita/Colegiales) area last Sunday (15th of May) in the madrugada and has yet to return home. :(
He was seen by some neighbours meowing outside the club de Chacarita that morning so I'm guessing he got down from the roof of our PH and couldn't return home.
If anyone visits/lives in the area or knows someone who does, I'd be so grateful if you would pass the information on and keep an eye out for him.

He is a black and white rescue cat. Male, castrated. He has a very symmetrical face with a black nose and a black, circular mole on his (otherwise white) chin. He is a bit nervous but very friendly and has an incredibly loud miau.

If you have any info, please call us on 45556134. He won't bite or anything if someone has the opportunity to pick him up!

Many thanks
Ashley xx


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I wish I had information to offer, but just wanted to say my heart goes out to you and your kitty... I hope you find him. Such an awful feeling to lose your friend. If I were you I'd put up flyers all over the neighborhood for him with his pic and your phone number, get local vet/pet stores and other neighborhood venues to put it up as well, if they are willing. i'd also post his name if it's something he knows and responds to. Best of luck!