
I did not vote for Macri nor Cristina ever. But people must realize the the real culprit of ALL financial crisis in this country was, and still is, the horrendous fiscal deficit.
This many faced monster has destroyed almost EVERY goverment that any adult must remember here, such as:

The Military gov'mt of Galtieri and Co.(the war was an excuse to avoid making all the impopular and necessary changes)
Mr Alfonsin gov'mt (a clear case)
Mr De La Rua gov"mt (with a delayed time bomb left by Mr Menem)
The Kirchners (even though they tried to mask it by every possible way)
Mr Macri (he probably does not know what a deficit means, being a rich boy all his life)
Some people claim that the US also has a huge fiscal deficit, which is true. But it is financed by Japan and Saudi Arabia, (who have mortal enemies at their borders), and hires the US as a kind of bodyguard. The day that this is over, the US economy will collapse at levels of 1930's or worse.

You are missinformed.
The dictators called their self “process or national new organization” and they made very aggresive liberal reforms you would love.
The literally destroyed all union oposition to acchieve it.
The was was not to avoid impopular changes, it was for their own political survival when they borrowed 90 million usd for nothing because the economy got destroyed. They user the loans for financial gambling just like they do it today.
They deserve jail, this is why he is going to profuge from justice.

Afterwards Squealer was sent round the farm to explain the new arrangement to the others.

“Comrades,” he said, “I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napoleon has made in taking this extra labour upon himself. Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be? Suppose you had decided to follow Snowball, with his moonshine of windmills--Snowball, who, as we now know, was no better than a criminal?”
They deserve jail, this is why he is going to profuge from justice.
But Instead the chorra who will be pardoned by her Vice from all charges (the next President may sooner or later have a strange accident or suffer from a serious illness)... and her gang will continue to happily steal from everyone with impunity to see what else is left to deplete from the Estate (if anything) to make lots of people, who don't go to work happy with subsidies and the population will be happily eating choripan for the rest of their lives. (?)
We are all writing hypothetically, right...?
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Whether it's true or not that he's considering decamping to Spain, this information is now out in the entire country, and if his election loss was a likelihood before, the idea that he'd leave for Spain just leaves no chance at all for any hope of recovery. It's crazy. An emblematic example of how incompetently he's managed things, essentially converting a strong mandate into a shotgun blast to the face.
How would you consider the minuscule amount he won by to be a ''strong mandate'' ?......Sunday's vote was a strong mandate.
More importantly, the US Dollar is the global reserve currency and the US can print it at will. That is a huge advantage and explains why the US can operate such huge deficits with relative impunity.

But I think the bigger lesson from all of this is that there are only two certain things in life: Death and that Argentina will always be in some sort of crisis.

How could anyone have expected a different outcome from Mauricio Fucking Macri is beyond me. He is the most typical, generic and vanilla flavored Latin American merchantilistic politician there could be. He is the living and breathing personification of the Argentine crony capitalistic model.

I agree with you fully but why then is the unapproved debt taken on without any accounting now being left on the shoulders of the argentinian populace ? This debt was fraudelent and now you are saying that the argentinian people must live in servitude for many years to pay this debt ?
This debt was fraudelent and now you are saying that the argentinian people must live in servitude for many years to pay this debt ?

I said no such thing. I have always said that default is an option, but like every option, it has pros and cons. There are no pain free out clauses from debt, like it or not.
now you are saying that the argentinian people must live in servitude for many years to pay this debt...

Aren't they already?

PS: Most of the small business owners I know are ready to say FU to the GOB.

PS2: And a few already have.