Good thing you dont live in the USA- a Braun W600 stainless electric kettle is now on sale for $159 US on Amazon- its usually $299!
Thats around 600 pesos.
Of course, in the USA, you could spend more, if you wanted fancy.
Or less, just like in BsAs- my kettle cost around $150 pesos, as I recall...
About the same as an average, mid range one costs in the USA.
Its absolutely true that name brand, global imports are expensive in Argentina- but I have usually found em for one and a half to two times US prices.
But there are plenty of lower priced, Argentine, Brazilian, and Chinese imports that are not so pricy- if you are willing to settle for what everybody else here uses.
If you gotta have the best, the fanciest, the newest, the flashiest, the most trendy- expect to pay.
And there are some odd things as well- for instance, since Ipods are so expensive, there are very few stereos with Ipod docks- and the few that exist are pricey.
Whereas, at mass market electronics places in the US, there are tons of em for a hundred to two hundred dollars.
But as mentioned above- how many "electronics" do you need?
Bring along a laptop, an Ipod, a digital camera, and you can find reasonable prices locally on non name brand printers, tv's, blenders, and the like.
If its really important, schedule a stop in Hong Kong. Cant find the stuff much cheaper than there.
Its when you get into specialised, trades equipment, as opposed to consumer goods, that it gets harder to find in Argentina. I am an artist, a machinist, a blacksmith, and do a lot of embroidered textiles- and in all those categories, the machines and tools are harder to find, and quite expensive.
I have no problem finding a toaster oven- but try to find a good deal on a 6 needle embroidery machine, or a CNC milling machine!