May 18, 2022 Census Day in ARG, per optional digital tool


Jun 6, 2005
The Digital Census is a tool that allows the census questionnaire to be completed online. The population will be able to answer the questions of the census questionnaire from any electronic device with internet access (computer, tablet or cell phone). This tool will save time for the population and census takers. This is the first time that this methodology will be used in Argentina to answer the National Population, Household and Housing Census.

The safeguarding of the information will be guaranteed by means of a strict computer security protocol that will store the data collected in the servers of Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales Sociedad Anónima (ARSAT), under anonymization, encryption and data governance techniques (Law 17.622, Decree 3.110/70 and Resolution INDEC 181/2020).

On Feb 2, 2022, the INDEC presented the final questionnaire for the 2022 National Population, Household and Housing Census. Unlike the 2010 census, there will be a single questionnaire consisting of 61 questions: 24 are related to housing and household characteristics, and 37
re: the inhabitants.
What changes are introduced in the new questionnaire?

What will be the steps to complete the digital Census?
-Select the "Censo digital" button found at
-Generate the unique housing code (5-digit alphanumeric code) by entering your address information.
-Access the digital questionnaire and answer all the questions.
-Save the digital Census completion voucher (6-digit alphanumeric code) to present to the census taker
who visits your home on Census Day, Wednesday, May 18.

The Digital Census will be enabled from Wednesday, March 16 until Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 8:00 am. While the same May 18, 2022 will be Census Day, declared a national holiday through Decree 42/2022. To answer the questions of the census questionnaire, each household will choose a reference person who has the necessary information about its members.
3 February 2022 by Alejandra Hayon
Social organizations had filed a habeas data. The INDEC removed the DNI from the final questionnaire of the Census.
"The central problem of including the DNI is that the census collects a lot of personal and sensitive information that collides with the protection of personal data. Because the collection of certain types of information depends on express and informed consent and cannot be mandatory. And the census is mandatory," explained Beatriz Busaniche, founder of Vía Libre, to Página/12....
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Out of curiosity I emailed them, it's available in English and Portuguese too they said
10 March 2022
Census 2022: one week left for the activation of the digital questionnaire. The consultation of the entire population will take place on May 18, but the virtual option offers the possibility of anticipating the data upload of the 61-question questionnaire....According to the official information, the digital questionnaire can be completed during the next two months and after the data entry the system will issue a voucher that must be presented on May 18 to the census taker who will visit the address...."You will be able to self-census from your computer, cell phone or tablet and, when you finish, you will receive a receipt in your email with a 6-digit alphanumeric code that you will have to show to the census taker on Wednesday, May 18," states the explanatory section of the digital census....
is this mandatory? even for non citizens?
Frequent asked questions?
¿Es obligatorio responder el Censo?

Sí. Todas las personas que habitan el territorio nacional tienen que responder las preguntas incluidas en el cuestionario censal, según el artículo 17 del Decreto 726/2020.
Is it mandatory to answer the Census?
Yes, all persons living in the national territory must answer the questions included in the census questionnaire, according to article 17 of Decree 726/2020.
¿Una persona que está temporalmente en la Argentina se tiene que censar?
Solo se tiene que censar si residió durante los últimos 6 meses o si piensa fijar residencia por los próximos 6 meses.
Does a person who is temporarily in Argentina have to register?
No. You only have to register if you have been residing in Argentina for the last 6 months or if you are planning to take up residence for the next 6 months.

Si estaré de viaje el Día del Censo (18 de mayo), ¿qué tengo que hacer?
Podés completar el Censo digital a partir del 16 de marzo y obtener tu comprobante de finalización. Si vivís en un departamento, dejale el código del comprobante a un vecino, encargado o persona de confianza del edificio para que se lo entregue a la persona censista el Día del Censo. Si vivís en una casa, podés dejarlo en la casa contigua o lindante a la tuya.
If I will be traveling on Census Day (May 18), what do I have to do?
You can complete the Census digitally starting March 16 and get your completion voucher. If you live in an apartment, leave the voucher code with a neighbor, manager or trusted person in the building to give to the census taker on Census Day. If you live in a house, you can leave it at the house next door to yours.
¿Qué es un censo de derecho?
En un censo de derecho las personas son contabilizadas según su lugar de residencia habitual (donde pasan la mayor parte del tiempo durante la semana). Será la primera vez que se realice un censo de derecho en la Argentina. Los diez anteriores fueron censos de hecho, ya que se enumeraba a la población en el lugar donde había pasado la noche previa al Día del Censo.
What is an entitlement census?
In an entitlement census people are counted according to their usual place of residence (where they spend most of their time during the week). This will be the first time that a de jure census is carried out in Argentina. The previous ten were de facto censuses, since the population was enumerated in the place where they had spent the night before Census Day.
Censo Digital
¿Qué es el código único de la vivienda?
Es un código alfanumérico de 5 dígitos asociado a una vivienda. Se genera en la página de inicio del Censo digital utilizando un documento nacional de identidad y un domicilio. Lo recibirás por correo electrónico para completar el cuestionario censal. Si en la vivienda hay más de un hogar, todos los hogares utilizarán el mismo código único de la vivienda.
Digital Census

What is the unique housing code?
It is a 5-digit alphanumeric code associated with a dwelling. It is generated on the digital Census home page using a national identity document and an address. You will receive it by email to complete the census questionnaire. If there is more than one household in the dwelling, all households will use the same unique code for the dwelling.
Qué debo hacer si no puedo generar un código único de la vivienda con mi dirección?
Si aparece en tu pantalla un cartel indicando que se presentó un inconveniente al generar el código único de la vivienda, deberás verificar si ya se había generado un código previamente para la dirección ingresada. En ese caso, tendrás que usarlo para acceder al Censo digital. Si el problema persiste, te sugerimos comunicarte con el 0800-22-CENSO (0800-222-3676) o esperar la entrevista presencial el Día del Censo.
What should I do if I cannot generate a unique housing code with my address?
If a message appears on your screen indicating that there was a problem generating the unique housing code, you should check if a code had already been previously generated for the address entered. If so, you will need to use it to access the digital Census. If the problem persists, we suggest you call 0800-22-CENSO (0800-222-3676) or wait for the face-to-face interview on Census Day.
¿Puedo completar el Censo digital de mi vivienda de veraneo o de fin de semana?
No. El Censo digital solo debe completarse en la vivienda en la que vivan habitualmente, es decir, donde residan y duerman 4 días o más a la semana. Una persona censista pasará el Día del Censo por tu vivienda de veraneo y la censará. De esta manera, se garantiza que todas las viviendas (desocupadas y ocupadas), todos los hogares y toda la población sean censados solo una vez.
Can I complete the Digital Census for my summer or weekend home?
No. The Digital Census should only be completed in the home where you usually live, that is, where you reside and sleep 4 or more days a week. A census taker will come to your summer home on Census Day and take the census. This ensures that all dwellings (unoccupied and occupied), all households and the entire population are counted only once.
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i have been trying to get on the website for census and keep getting message ¨this site cant be reached¨ has site crashed??