May Day Irony


Mar 20, 2014
First, I am not much of a photographer. My skill level is somewhere between minimal and rudimentary, and that's on a good day. The timestamp is off by four hours, still being set to San Diego time, (normally five hours, but California is on Daylight savings time)


I took this photo this morning, much thanks to GMXam for the suggestion. It was a bit dangerous, as the only spot where I could frame it even this well, (which still leaves much to be desired) was almost in the middle of the intersection, meaning I was at risk of being aplastado no matter the state of the lights.

At first I was having trouble with contrast, as the sign on the right was in direct sun, and the one on the left was not. But finally the sun went behind a cloud, and I had one brief chance, just long enough for a single change of the traffic light, (I was doing my shooting while Palestina had the green, as traffic was much heavier on Estado de Israel).

The camera is just a Canon Powershot n00b machine

It is unfortunate that the symbolism is so negative, with the arrows going away from each other. It would have been a far better omen if they were going the same direction, or even toward each other. The implication of this juxtaposition is not a happy one, though some might sourly observe that it seems to be reflective of current reality.

Thanks again to GMXam for the insightful suggestion that this morning was a good occasion to do this with minimal traffic. Just be warned that she's a deadly Jenga player. And also dangerous with a pool cue. And, well, just generally not a woman to be taken lightly at any sort of game :)
First, I am not much of a photographer. My skill level is somewhere between minimal and rudimentary, and that's on a good day. The timestamp is off by four hours, still being set to San Diego time, (normally five hours, but California is on Daylight savings time)


I took this photo this morning, much thanks to GMXam for the suggestion. It was a bit dangerous, as the only spot where I could frame it even this well, (which still leaves much to be desired) was almost in the middle of the intersection, meaning I was at risk of being aplastado no matter the state of the lights.

At first I was having trouble with contrast, as the sign on the right was in direct sun, and the one on the left was not. But finally the sun went behind a cloud, and I had one brief chance, just long enough for a single change of the traffic light, (I was doing my shooting while Palestina had the green, as traffic was much heavier on Estado de Israel).

The camera is just a Canon Powershot n00b machine

It is unfortunate that the symbolism is so negative, with the arrows going away from each other. It would have been a far better omen if they were going the same direction, or even toward each other. The implication of this juxtaposition is not a happy one, though some might sourly observe that it seems to be reflective of current reality.

Thanks again to GMXam for the insightful suggestion that this morning was a good occasion to do this with minimal traffic. Just be warned that she's a deadly Jenga player. And also dangerous with a pool cue. And, well, just generally not a woman to be taken lightly at any sort of game :)

Well, at least you didn't have to traverse a minefield or climb a razor-wire fence. That's a start.
Also (not mentioned) is that the much bigger Estado de Israel cuts the much smaller Palestina into two pieces and it takes some doing to get from one section to the other. Not unlike...
It is unfortunate that the symbolism is so negative, with the arrows going away from each other. It would have been a far better omen if they were going the same direction, or even toward each other.

You could just turn around...
Well, at least you didn't have to traverse a minefield or climb a razor-wire fence. That's a start.

You're absolutely right, that's a very good observation. Dodging a few maníacos porteños is nothing compared to what real photographers go through in many parts of the world.
Red you may contribute by explaining why it doesn't read Av. Estado De Palestina? Deserves to be changed?

Answer: The street sign was placed there much before Palestina become a state on Nov 15, 1988. Should be ammended.