Mid-20s couple looking for new friends


Oct 29, 2010
Hi everyone,

My boyfriend and I moved here from Boston a couple of weeks ago, and we'd like to make some new friends in the city. We live in Barrio Norte, but would be happy to meet up in other neighborhoods. We're 23 and 24. Let us know if you're interested in meeting for dinner/coffee/drinks/etc!

Lauren and Nick
Hi, I guess I don't know how to send a PM.... I will work on figuring that out.

Well, we are a couple in our 20's too, we have been living here a few years. Maybe we can meet up sometime, we might be able to help you a bit with figuring out this city.
littleba said:
Hi, I guess I don't know how to send a PM.... I will work on figuring that out.

Well, we are a couple in our 20's too, we have been living here a few years. Maybe we can meet up sometime, we might be able to help you a bit with figuring out this city.
click on the username of the person you want to PM,and underneath it will say "send this person a private message":rolleyes:
Risking the envy/hate of BAexpaters, I will direct you people to the BA CouchSurfing Group, since 20-30s is the preferred age group there. Sign in www.couchsurfing.org (free of course) and look for the BA group for meetings every day. There is always parties and other stuff (again, it is like in this site, is everything free). CS and BAExp are like complementary websites for me.

You might consider stopping by the BRITISH EMBASSY's CHRISTMAS FERIA today. It will be filled with locals and expats alike but all will be Anglophiles.



Don't forget your passport!!

Also, Polo starts today. You can just go, listen for English, and then say-

"Hello, 'my boyfriend and I moved here from Boston a couple of weeks ago.'"

It really is that easy.
littleba, I think you have PMs disabled--you have to go into your settings and enable them. We'd love to meet up some night this week if you guys are around!

littleba said:
Hi, I guess I don't know how to send a PM.... I will work on figuring that out.

Well, we are a couple in our 20's too, we have been living here a few years. Maybe we can meet up sometime, we might be able to help you a bit with figuring out this city.
Hi to all,
I also moved here with my boyfriend (now husband), He is from here and has lots of friends from school, but I always feel like the odd one out when we get together! Would live to plan a get-together, it could be like a double-triple-quadruple date ! :)
We are 24 and 26.