Milei is getting inflation under control (graph)

Its at least 60 percent More as inflation Is compounded from last months base . Food by the way Is going up much faster than 4 percent per month meaning 100 percent Is a possible estimate
Food went up by 3.2 percent.

4% compounded monthly for a year is 53%

Why should anybody take what you say seriously when everything you say is exaggerated and wrong?
Food went up by 3.2 percent.

4% compounded monthly for a year is 53%

Why should anybody take what you say seriously when everything you say is exaggerated and wrong?
You seem obsessed in proving Milei Is great . Noone believes in anything you say as its clearly biased
Food went up by 3.2 percent.

4% compounded monthly for a year is 53%

Why should anybody take what you say seriously when everything you say is exaggerated and wrong?

You think 4% a month amounts to double in one year? Check your math. (Forgetting about all the rest of the things we could say about the post.)
You can't even count, can you? It's actually tragic to watch...

Here's a calculation for you, work it out on a piece of paper if you don't understand code (which is 100% certain if you can't count):
let p = 100; //principal
for (let m = 0; m < 12; m++) p = p + p * 0.04; //percent

console.log('principal + accrual = ', p);
Prints out: principal + accrual = 160.
160 - 100 = 60! Surprise!
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You can't even count, can you? It's actually tragic to watch...

Here's a calculation for you, work it out on a piece of paper if you don't understand code (which is 100% certain if you can't count):

Prints out: principal + accrual = 160.
160 - 100 = 60! Surprise!
Ok, I counted the first month as the baseline. So shoot me. Are you going to continue your personal attacks across all the threads on the site?
Ok, I counted the first month as the baseline. So shoot me. Are you going to continue your personal attacks across all the threads on the site?
If your elementary school math is that atrocious you should stop giving advice/opinions outside your Lane.
The food inflation in Argentina since 2023 in us dollars Is the highest ever recorded . Please show me one country that prices of food went up over 130 percent to 200 percent in us dollars ?
The food inflation in Argentina since 2023 in us dollars Is the highest ever recorded . Please show me one country that prices of food went up over 130 percent to 200 percent in us dollars ?
First show me that it did in Argentina. And that's quite a range. 130 - 200 percent. Which one is it, Henny?
The food inflation in Argentina since 2023 in us dollars Is the highest ever recorded . Please show me one country that prices of food went up over 130 percent to 200 percent in us dollars ?
God have mercy of us..!