Milei meeting with Elon Musk


Jun 20, 2006
I cringed in embarassement when I saw this meeting of Milei with Elon Musk . He looked like a schoolboy meeting his superheroe for the first time . His english is also extremely rudimentary and his mannerisms with those weird expresiones and thumbs up make argentinian people seem childish and completely unprofessional.

Meeting Trump and Musk - a total embarrassment 😭

Meeting Xi - a leader of ethnic cleansing? Silence

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Lmaoooooo, can't take you guys seriously
I'm amused to see how you wish to compare an actual investor and major trade partner of Argentina with a couple of US bloviators who have never done anything for this country.

Yes, Xi isn't the nicest person around; in realpolitik and in service of your country, sometimes it's necessary to hold your nose and to keep certain people at arm's length while advancing your country's interests. At least Alberto isn't trying to hump Xi, which is what Milei seems to be trying to do to Trump (with Trump trying to fend him off 🤣)
"Isn't the nicest person" that how we describe people who engage in ethnic cleaning and murder / jailing of political opponents? You seemed quite emotional and upset about the military junta in Argentina, but just brush off the same type of actions by Xi.

No, they didn't try to hump Xi, just gave him a military base.
"Isn't the nicest person" that how we describe people who engage in ethnic cleaning and murder / jailing of political opponents? You seemed quite emotional and upset about the military junta in Argentina, but just brush off the same type of actions by Xi.

No, they didn't try to hump Xi, just gave him a military base.
Nice bit of whataboutism from you. I'm not familiar with China, never been there, I have some opinions on certain topics, but it's not my problem, really. And even so, I haven't seen any accusations of Xi throwing his opponents out of aeroplanes. I am, however, a bit more informed about, and involved with Argentina. Are you?
The military junta in Argentina and Xi in China have committed atrocious crimes against humanity. Many would argue Xi crimes to be far worse.

That you cry about one and dismiss another because China is wealthy says a lot about your values.

I can only surmise that you worship money and find white lives to be more valuable than Chinese. Disgusting.
The military junta in Argentina and Xi in China have committed atrocious crimes against humanity. Many would argue Xi crimes to be far worse.

That you cry about one and dismiss another because China is wealthy says a lot about your values.

I can only surmise that you worship money and find white lives to be more valuable than Chinese. Disgusting.
Your whataboutism, manufactured outrage, delirious surmisings, and your halfwitted imagining that skin colour has anything to do with my opinions are absolutely hilarious 🤡