Of course, retailers are always at your door, but these aren't investments Argentina needs. To set a shop for big international companies is nothing, zero liability. Ikea is a bit different, since they are usually relying also on locally made products, so there is some mini potential. To set up clothes store you need few containers, half capable manager and small team, rent a venue and say a word, and you are all set. I guess few months, since you don't want everyone is there before you.
Investments in industry are a bit different, although for many, cheap labour might be enough to try. But that certainly takes way longer than shops to set up, and risk is much higher. Investors aren't stupid, and Argentina's geographical position isn't exactly amazing. There should be a lot of knocking on the doors of existing foreign businesses to expand, offering incentives and give assurances, as well as working on new to come.
There is plenty to do in agriculture as well, in my opinion. World needs food, and always will, but Argentina is lagging behind its potential a lot.
Maybe some plan is already in motion, I certainly hope so, because calling people lazy while not trying to give them work just isn't productive.