Moleskine notebooks?

The Moleskine site pretty much lets you know that you won't find them here. If you have to have a moleskine, best to order online.
Good luck in your hunting (at first glance I thought you meant MOLESKIN :))
Good to know some of us still use pen and paper....chortle.
There are alot of places to buy such things in the vicinity of Corrientes and Callao. I bought a notebook there, there is a store on the north east corner on Callao (i think, the maps here are wacked) I believe I saw moleskin there, but dont quote me on it..
Order through Borders or Barnes and Noble. I'm sure you can order online if you're not having luck in stores.
mini said:
Excellent work! :D
It even says you can pick them up. So, I wonder if it's a store and if so, which one?

I don't have a ML account otherwise I'd write to find out.

According to the ML policy, a vendor cannot give the name/address of his/her store prior to making the sale. Once you click on "buy" (which is an obligation to buy that product) this information gets sent to you automatically. You can, however, send a question to the vendor asking them to let you know in which barrio they're located, just so that you don't make a commitment to purchase only to find that it is way out of your way... I've never had any problems buying on ML and usually just continue to buy direct from a particular vendor.
I agree they are a perfectly designed notebook.

I would suggest purchasing it online, probably at a great discount to the prices you would find it for in a shop here, especially somewhere like Malba... And it is delivered to your house or work.
