Moreno Quits ... Tommorrow Holiday....?

I heard they'd had about nine economy ministers since 2005.
This entire reshuffle and the Moreno exit are symptoms of the bottom falling out of this particular ship.

There have been plenty of reshuffles before (accompanied by the inevitable 'fin de kirchnerismo' wishful thinking). Just look at all the fantasies we've had to endure during Cristina's layoff - she's a vegetable, she's getting her affairs in order to go into exile to avoid prosecution (yes, she has much to fear given Argentina's zero tolerance record on crooked politicians), Nelson Castro and now even Majul just randomly bump into the presidential medical team and get all the information they want (incredible in the diktadura we live in that third rate pseudo journalists can find them but when Cristina sends her Camporista freedom of exp<b></b>ression specialists for a cement shoe fitting they can't be located) and after all this Leatherface emerges as strong as ever for yet another Olivos Chainsaw Massacre sequel
I guess he would but who other than the next Argentine government is going to prosecute him? When the next president comes they'll simply remove him from that position.

Prat - Gay and other opposition senators are trying to prevent Moreno from leaving the country, have presented a request in courts to investigate Moreno for several issues.
Guillermo Morenio has handed his resignation today...!! A big step for Humanity....!! Will be Commercial Attache in Rome Embassy, a reward for his efforts.

Who wants to be in the shoes of the Argentine Ambassador in Rome. :cool:
Only because Argentina doesn't have an embassy in Siberia.
Maximo may never be president but he's sure filling the govt with his friends. Ugh, first Kicillof now this guy Agusto whatever (Costa?) And seems like they are going to use Kicillof's thesis as the basis for their economy. Christ. We're headed to shambles. I've like Prat-Gay for awhile, maybe he'll get some consolidation of power, and Lousteau, despite him seeming to shag anything in a skirt, seems like a good politician and opposition to Kicillof & Krew.

(Seriously, what is it with these economist guys and their skanky affairs? Redrado and Luciana Salazar, Lousteau y Juanita Viale-- in the back seat of a car in Las Canitas! -- I guess now he's settled down with Carla Peterson though...)
Maximo may never be president but he's sure filling the govt with his friends. Ugh, first Kicillof now this guy Agusto whatever (Costa?) And seems like they are going to use Kicillof's thesis as the basis for their economy. Christ. We're headed to shambles. I've like Prat-Gay for awhile, maybe he'll get some consolidation of power, and Lousteau, despite him seeming to shag anything in a skirt, seems like a good politician and opposition to Kicillof & Krew.

(Seriously, what is it with these economist guys and their skanky affairs? Redrado and Luciana Salazar, Lousteau y Juanita Viale-- in the back seat of a car in Las Canitas! -- I guess now he's settled down with Carla Peterson though...)

jajajaja ad Insaurralde and Jesica Cirio....!!