Moria Casan:free At Last ?


Apr 1, 2014
Together with many Argentines,mostly males,I would think,I was happy to see that Moria Casab had been freed in Paraguay and arrived back in B.A. Of the 2 most important ex-show girls turned entrepreneur,the other being Susi Gimenez,Moria was without doubt the most "colorful"
In later years (both are in their 60s ) different from the more "establisment" route taken by Susi,Moria had,I believe to her detriment,taken a more outspoken and burlesque one turning herself into an almost cartoonlike image of her former self.
I doubt if anyone was surprised when she confessed to being a drug adict for the last 20 years.However,if she explains why she had originally turned to drugs,she would be doing a civil service as she is still admired by a significant portion of the public here.,many of them young.
I went to see Moria perform at the Maipo back in the 80s and I still have a warm spot in my heart for her.Maybe it is true what an Argentine show person once said.,
" Men find a free living woman irrisistible"----" La mujer desenvuelta es irrisitible a los hombres"..
I have to say, like Marcelo Longobardi, "a mi no me cambia la vida!"
I have nothing againt Moria, who is 69(BTW Susana is 71) but there are so many other important things in the news that so much attention was given to her seems foolish to me. She knew that upon her return to Paraguay there would be reprecussions .I The poor thing though like like a draga queen after operations gone bad! But I wish her well!
But the big question is ... did she steal the jewels?

I think we should b e told...
This is only some local trivia for the holidays and to get away from all the endless Cristina Chatter.
" Who cares'? "
Only a few million low income,.not very cultured Argentines.However,they are an important base for the "bottom up" mobility that this country-where you came to live- needs to begin to remake itself.