Moving in September-help!

Transfer your money to Xoom!

We use it all the time.

You don't need much money, just be frugal.

Enjoy your trip!! :)

Forget using your CC from the USA.
Trans $$ to and get the $$ at the black market rate (or close to it) in pesos.
If you use the ATM & use your CC your going to pay at the official exchange rate.
You Loose $$$ big time.
FYi.: If you transfer $ from a bank accnt. to Xoom, you pay less in transfer fee than if you use CC.
I've used the Hospital de Clinicas. Last time I was there the fee was $30.00 pesos to see an MD. (about U$D 4.00)
It's a public hospital, peeling paint, no AC, long waits, puddles when it rains, etc
C'mon down, you'll have a blast !