Moving to Argentina

For comparison a pretty average senior manager / director level salary at a mid size Argentine company generally runs anywhere between USD5000-USD10000ish per month. The basic total living expenses for a professional couple living in a nice building in a nice neighborhood and doing a fair share of eating out and running a car etc, no kids is between USD5000-6000 a month, excluding things like vacations, savings, special hobbies or investments.

As for your livable wage for a family, when it comes to expenditure the sky is the limit unless/ until you can set your own limits but I would also say around USD6000 is a realistic starting point for a comfortable but not extravagant upper middle class lifestyle.

That said there are plenty of families getting by “comfortably” enough on USD 2000-3000 a month throughout Argentina by living like a middle working class Argentine, using public transport and education, living in more humble neighborhoods, not eating out every day and juggling the squeeze like middle working class people almost everywhere else in the world. But that’s probably not a lifestyle worth the effort of moving here for unless where you live currently is particularly basic or bad or it represents a step up from where you’re currently at.
A pretty average senior manager position working at a midlevel size company is earning up to half a million dollars per year???

Here is an article from iProfessional from 3 months ago based on a study by the firm Michael Page (who I would give a lot of credibility that they know what they are actually talking about) that goes into more details about current senior level salaries in Argentina. This may help the OP determine a comparable/ competitive local salary based on role, sector and company size.
Happy negotiating.
Ok then. You can’t live just anywhere you like in BsAs with kids. I’d recommend Nordelta as it’d be very convenient with 3 kids. It’s a gated community made up of gated barrios with security and full of amenities. Most houses have pools. Big garden. Two of the best hospitals in the country are there as well. Very very safe area. Nice schools. Rents are around usd 2000 plus the monthly expenses. Rent amount may go up but very unlikely to go below 2000. Life became very expensive in Argentina. You have to be making at least usd 5000 to have a good (not great) life. Let me know if you need anything.
I don't have kids and I guess my bias is showing because I didn't even really consider that angle; even as young guy in his 20s moving back here permanently to be with my husband was... straining to say the least, especially now with the "adjustment" (that the caste weirdly isn't paying) I can only imagine how challenging it would be with not 1, but several children.

I think the forum has given it's consensus answer; Argentina is a double edged sword, and unless you're making bank now is probably not the best time.
Yes, at least. 2 adults and 3 kids not worth it to move here if you’ll make less than 5000.

My wallet moans in pain at the mere thought of the expenses involved in raising three children. Kids are freaking expensive!
Family of 4 paying usd 850 for insurance. Expensas 650, nanny ft 650, diapers 300. No rent, no food, no clothing, no petrol, no car, no holidays, no dining out. You do the math :)
Shit, that's really expensive. To think there are countries that basically pay you to have children, living in Argentina (or similar countries) by your wish is just crazy...