Once again, you have gotten off subject... how did this turn into a discussion about language, race, etc...???Seeing that you have lived in NYC, I imagine you have a certain amount of "street smarts"... you will need those here also. From my experiences, living in NYC, SF, Istanbul, Berlin.... I feel safer here (BA) than any of those places. In NYC and SF you had to deal with gun violence, gangs.... In many ways it also depends on your age... When I was in my teens and early 20's, you run into more problems with youth...I am in my mid 30's now, and find for the most part I am ignored by those groups. I am not sure if in your late 40's, 50's, 60,s you become more of a target by thieves etc...but it sounds likely. I have found if you pay attention, you become less of a target...there is always an easier mark for them (thieves, cheaters, liers) just around the corner. So they leave you alone.I have only lived in BsAs for 3 months, coming from Istanbul, and I have not been ripped off once, by anyone.. (taxi, store owner, etc...) I hear on this forum of this happening all the time, and also hear from locals to "watch out"... I do, and ....nothing yet.In most places in the world, if you walk around with a big camera, a LV purse dangling, a wallet or cell phone sitting in plane site ...beware...someone will notice....I think what you were trying to differentiate before was "race" and "nationality"..... for the most part irrelevant.... it's all about the "individual"