Moving to BA from NYC - advice needed

"steveinbsas" said:
Gee, Ramone, Who said anything about race? Or the US? Did I mention the race of the maid...or the real estate agents...or the lawyer? If Sleuth brings a bunch of computer stuff and leaves it in storage (with a mudzana) it will probably be stolen. Some maids steal, some don't. Some landlords return deposits, some don't. This is not a racial issue. Sluth deserves to know the reality of the situation. True, there are a lot of criminals in jail in the US. At least in the US there is a better chance of the criminals going to jail...where they usually do belong...which, of course, does make the US (generally) a safer place to live. The first thing I learned from my Argentine girlfriend about Argentina was simple: "Everybody lies." So far, that IS a generalization that has proved far more accurate than not.
If that generalization was "far more accurate than not" I would be worried if I were you. Isn´t your girlfriend Argentine?
"If that generalization was "far more accurate than not" I would be worried if I were you. Isn´t your girlfriend Argentine? "
Not anymore. I ditched the lying, hysterical, and physically violent witch and found a sweet girl from Uruguay.

Next question, please.