Movistar 4G

Personal just announced they are starting 4G in the northern metropolitan area of the gran buenos aires. This means Campana, Pilar, Zarate. Expectations are low since many customers reported several connection issue even in 3G
I just love when new arrivals post here asking if they should pick Movistar, Claro or Personal as their carrier. My answer is always the same: Picking a mobile carrier in Argentina is like chosing between being beaten senselessly with a baseball bat, a wrench or a lead pipe. There is no right answer and the final outcome is always the same.
Personal won the spectrum auction last year for 4G ( they acquired the strongest bandwidth). Obviously Claro and Movistar also won their portion. However if you want to choose the company with the best 4G connection in the future wait for the new entrant, Arlink. They've got the most bandwidth. On the downside however they have 2 years to build the infrastructure to fully support Capital, whereas the other companies have 18 months.
Will definitely have to look into that Arlink. I just got my new 4G SIM card from Movistar and I'm very disappointed with how mediocre it is (although their way of sending it to me and preparing me for it was incredibly professional and surprisingly efficient). I'm particularly impatient with technology speeds (I pretty expect to touch something on my phone and for it to load before I even touch it hahaha), and I hated AT&T in the US....but this makes AT&T look incredibly reliable.

My job requires me to be going from Retiro to Microcentro to Recoleta to Palermo to Puerto Madero etc on the daily, and I get frustrated as it goes from saying "Movistar LTE" to "Movistar 3G" to just showing a few bars and having no signal (lather, rinse, repeat....all day long). So the signal is patchy all over the city at best.
I've been thinking of switching to 4g, what speeds are you getting?
To update, 4G is not in my area yet. Although in BA the other day I was receiving the "LTE" speeds. Guess it'll be another year or so before I can take advantage, but like one of the people said above, Movistar was exceptionally efficient in helping me get set up--only to let me down with no coverage!
The problem is that it will take quite a bit of time until all the cell towers are 4G ready and at this time, most smartphones in use will support 4G and thus the "high speed" is shared with hundreds of users, giving you a similar slow experience like with the current 3G standard... Given the market situation, I doubt any company will make the necessary investments to build a more dense cell tower network that enables speeds close to the theoretical maximum.