"Mucama" rates


Mar 25, 2007
What's the hourly rate for a cleaner these days? Does this include transportation?
25 to 30 pesos, does not include transportation
Hi there.
Search maid, cleaners on the threads as there has been lots on that subject just lately. Good luck.
We pay $20. Considering that we were paying her $7 just five years ago it seems high enough. She also receives two weeks salary at the end of June and September as well as two weeks paid vacation.
surfing said:
We pay $20. Considering that we were paying her $7 just five years ago it seems high enough. She also receives two weeks salary at the end of June and September as well as two weeks paid vacation.

My guess is that yours is working full time hence en blanco and not by the hour?
nikad said:
My guess is that yours is working full time hence en blanco and not by the hour?
full-time en blanco but by the hour (on her insistence)
It depends how many days in a week and how many hours in the day, also. In june and in december aguinaldo (bonus) season. In usually pay the half of the montly salary.
If you find a good one pay top rate which today should be close to 30 pesos per hr.
How often are people giving raises?

We gave about a 20% raise after one year.

-Are people doing the same?
-Or 10% every 6 months? (which compounded is more than 10%/year)

I raised 20% on jan 1st 2012 and I'll rise again 20% (or maybe a bit more) at the end of this year. In my gated community, quite many maids have not received raises last year (still paid 15 pesos... Mine is at 25) but they are ratas for the most part.

30/32 pesos for 2013 will be a fair salary.