My letter to the New York Times

bigbadwolf said:
Very little (if any). Mostly it's self-censorship. The journalists and editors are selected and promoted on the basis of how closely their views align with those of the US government.
Actually it's more often than not the commercial interests of the relevant owners. Which, depending on which corporation(s) you're talking about, may often be aligned with government interests.

JoeBlow said:
So, do you have any specifics on the owners of the NYTimes? Specifics meaning more than just the name of its parent company?
And no, I'm not going to do your research for you on this, I did plenty of it (and then some) during my communications degree a few years ago on media bias and the reasons behind ...etc. Spend the time and the info's out there, it's not really a secret. And publications will "sooth" critics by publishing letters like yours, saying "See, we show all views"... while still carrying a certain line on the majority of their stories...