My "new To Ba" Post


Feb 6, 2014
hello all,

my name is Chris, and I've been in BA for about 2 weeks now. I'm staying for a little while, and I would love to get together with a couple of expats and have a Fernet and Coke, get some tips, generally find a nice group of people to explore with while I am here. My Spanish isn't so great, and I'm a little wary about simply approaching a group of people at a bar and saying "Hi, hang out with me". I swear I'm not weird or anything.

I'd love to go to Parque 3 and rent a boat, or take a bike ride, or walk around, drink máte, whatever. takers?
Hope you enjoy your stay!! What are you doing in BA? Traveling or working?
Hello Chris !!

What's your plans for today ?
I would like to go to Parque 3, then will head up to Museo de bellas artes and hopefully grab a coffee somewhere.
I'm cool, not weird and I speak english, spanish and french since this is my mother tongue :)

Looking forward to hearing from you !

My husband and I are here for a month. He has joined akido but we love to meet new people. Are interested in exploring BA with some english speakers. His spanish is good and mine is in the very begining stages. We own a bar back in the states and have fun checking out the nightlife scene. Let us know if anyone is interested in getting a beer/vino etc.
Rose and Matthew
Hello everyone! I'm looking for buds as well (but I'm a little wierd, hope thats ok :p )I came here to stay with my boyfriend for the next year while he finishes school. So he's gone all day & I'm trying to stay entertained. Hit me up!
How weird is weird Susie?

Haha well you know, harmless stuff quoting lines form The Big Bang Theory etc..., randomly start laughing with myself because of a joke I remembered from a few days ago and getting excited to plan random themed dinners. . .Just to name a few
internaitonalguy, are you from Texas?
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