Natural Child Birth In Argentina


Jan 20, 2013
hello everyone!

I am Canadian and will be in Argentina for the birth of my first child in June/July 2013. I am looking for some help finding information about natural birthing options in Argentina. I am not against hospital births but would like to have an unmedicated, vaginal birth unless absolutely necessary to have otherwise. I am trying to do as much research as I can before I come to Argentina as I speak limited spanish so I would need a dr. or midwife who speaks English (perhaps at n English hospital) or an interpreter. If anyone can please offer me any help on this topi, it would be so, so appreciated!!!
Thank you!!

Hello, Lei!

I am from the United States and I am expecting my first child with my Argentine husband in mid-April. I know that it's pretty overwhelming, not just to be abroad immersed in a foreign language, but also to be expecting your first baby (congrats, by the way!).

It goes without saying that word of mouth is EVERYTHING, especially considering what may work for one person may not be what you are looking for. The absolute best resource (with forums, important local links, and whatnot) is this:

While it is very helpful, it is indeed in Spanish (what's more, it's Castellano Spanish, with the unique online jargon that you'll never find in any type of dictionary). Nevertheless, I really think that this would be your best bet for "one stop shopping" for having a lot of your questions answered and have the opportunity to ask your own if you can find someone to help you write it out. If you can find a local Argentine (probably a female would be a preferable idea for obvious reasons) who can help you "read between the lines" (since online lingo is a foreign language in itself, especially for such a specific and important topic).

Resources in English are limited (forums, official webpages, and anything else that could be very helpful), and will only be able to offer a very specific "minority's" point of view, you know?

Muy buena suerte! :)

I just send you my personal email in case you want to talk more. I am very into the subject, as an activist and mother. Argentina has a law for humanized birth, but iit is not always respected. Even in the private setting, fear mongering and Csection rates are ridiculously high, as well as unnecesary interventions. The only two hospitals that could be recomended are Austral, if you sign with the PSSI program (Parto seguro sin intervencion/SAfe birth Without intervention) or Alvarez, a public hospital without the nice ammenities but has a great phylosophy regarding birth.

As for homebirth, there are many teams and is perfectly. There are teams of only midwives and also some with obstetrician and neonatologist.

To get reviews and such, there a few facebook groups. But if you dont speak much spanish I dont know if they would be useful!

Contact me privately if you wish to know more or ask more questions, Im glad to help!