Need Guarantee To Rent....


Oct 20, 2013
Renting in Buenos Aires requires a lot mor paperwork than in US.
In most cases, without some history and a guarantor, it is impossible to rent or lease property.
Any advice?
Talk clear to the owner. I have been renting for 20 years without it.
Do not buy a garantía.
Use Clarin during the week for finding appartment.
When they ask for garantía, you reply " i don t have garantía, i have cash".
Here's an alternative but of course it depends on your situation whether or not you will qualify - there is renter's guarantee insurance available from both Banco Supervielle and Banco Ciudad. You must of course have a DNI and a job in Argentina to qualify. I've accepted this insurance before from tenants that I have had and it's actually more secure than an actual guarantía. The bank pays the landlord directly each month and all the tenant has to do is deposit the rent at the bank.
Everyone pays in cash now days. That won't make much difference to the owner. The laws protect the renter and if they lose they're job or have a medical reason for not being able to continue paying the rent the owner of the apartment has to take the tenant to court and it can take a year or two to get them legally evicted from the apartment. That's why the ask for a "garantia". Maybe the owner will let you rent the apartment if you pay four or six months in advance as a garantia.
For a Farangi without DNI no Garantia and no job, seems imposible, in my 10 year Experience.

Unless you can pay 13 months cash upfront B) . Includes the agents commission plus 1 month rent and 1 month deposit The owner receives only 9 months Garantia.... as presented by Real Estate Agent in Recolets.

What an owner can accept depends on each case. :cool:
Renting in Buenos Aires requires a lot mor paperwork than in US.
In most cases, without some history and a guarantor, it is impossible to rent or lease property.
Any advice?
From my own (recent) experience (though not from BsAs but another city) it is very difficult: Most realtors insisted on bringing two "garantes" and did not want do a contract without it - even when offering to pay various months in advance. Only one realtor offered to accept 6 months security deposit plus 6 months rent in advance instead of the "garantes". With current inflation the deposit would have had less than half the value at the end of the two year contract ...
There are also the tourist rentals, usually available for up to three months at a time and often quite livable, furnished and all with Internet.
I wrote about this before, even when you have all the requirements it's 10x more complicated than in the States.
Luckily my friend (an Argie) and I are patient so we waited it out, and his mom was our guarantor.

My suggestion, like everyone else's is to say your guarantor is you uncle Benjamin:

With current inflation the deposit would have had less than half the value at the end of the two year contract ...

Actually (although it seems to never work that way... with LL even asking for more money on the deposit when the rental price is raised), I did read somewhere (ley de alquileres?) that the deposit should be given back after an indexation using the same mechanism to raise the rent. E.g.: you start renting at 3.000$ per month with a deposit of 6.000$ (2 months), and you leave at the end of the 2nd year when the rent has been raised to 4.000$ = you should get back 8.000$.