Need To Get New Glasses Made

FWIW I have an eye doctor that I like okay and sort of trust. My prescription is somewhat complicated with an astigmatism correction. She told me that there were only two labs in Buenos Aires that she would trust to make my lenses correctly. One was in the 200 block of Ayacucho. I can't remember the name but it is on the street level but doesn't really have a storefront. I went there and it was going to be quite expensive. I don't remember its name, or the details of other one, which I think was in Recolete. In the end, I decided to get my lenses in the U.S. What I don't know is whether she was right about the reliability of optical labs in Buenos Aires or if she had some financial or other reason for telling me that these were the only two reliable shops. I don't really think she is crooked, but I wouldn't bet my life on it either.