I cannot abide Neilson, he represents everything wrong with that paper. I really do not like the FpV government, let me say that at the outset.
He offers scant little in the way of analysis and his prose is awful. First sentence:
Legend has it that, on becoming prime minister, Margaret Thatcher invited the members of her Cabinet, all of them men in respectable dark suits, to an expensive restaurant for lunch.
That is a sentence butchered by the inappropriate use of the comma. Did his keyboard break? Artless. Sentences starting with But, I feel like I am being butted in the face. You could go on raking over his prose all day, in any number of articles but after a while you probably have to confront the reality that this stuff is written in poor enough tabloid style as that's his audience.
I suppose the paper's editor deserve a kick in the proverbials as well, is someone paid to proof read this? It feels like a struggle through bad punctuation and unimaginative writing.
This is pub chat, at best:
It was expected that he would set about persuading Cristina to forget all that populist nonsense she filled her head with when she was a student in La Plata U back in the 1970s and start behaving like a normal 21st century politician. Perhaps he did give it a shot; if so, she refused to listen.
Expected by who, on what basis ? Facts, research? Nope, just cookie cutter opinion pieces thrown together in the laziest way. He's preaching to the crowd here, he has no one to convince, no point to make other than one he made last week. As an excercise in investigative journalism it's useless, as in it serves no useful purpose. What is a normal 21st politician exactly? In what part of the world? South America, Africa, Asia?
What is the basis for this?
To get where he currently is, Kicillof must have told Cristina that she is right, everyone else is wrong, and that, thanks to her brilliance and his willingness to help her, the Argentine economy will soon start performing as it did before she took office.
This is tabloid guff. Dumbed down to the language of petty adolescents.
Not one fact or figure, not one illustration of a point, not one suggestion for a corrective action, not one reference to a historical event. This is what I imagine it would sound like if a foreign college graduate had a rake of beers and someone asked them who Kiciloff was. Absolutely desparate.
I truly believe Mr Neilson to be smarter than the average bear if he is getting paid to publish the same article in different words almost every week. Hats off. I'd say that's a good 20 minutes worth of work there. Lobbed out in the deckchair in Miami I guess.